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-Namjoon's POV-

Soyeon slept through her first few hours home, getting up only for the bathroom. Otherwise I took care of her. Made and brought her food. Turned the heat up, and covered her in soft, weighted blankets for a getter rest. And like I suspected...she didn't let go of the bear. I gave her space for most of the night so she wouldn't feel pressured to hold a conversation, and read in the other room.

I felt myself drifting away when I heard a soft voice coming from across the hall. Holding my book, I rushed to our bedroom. Soyeon was sitting up, drinking water and facing the door. A smile came over my lips before I could stop it. She's so precious when she first wakes up, heavy eyes, groggy voice.

The way she stretches and yawns -- like a princess fresh from her beauty sleep. She had her curly, black hair wrapped up in her purple bonnet, dressed in a black, satin button down shirt that had matching shorts that looked bold against her toasted, brown, caramel skin. Soyeon looked at me pleadingly, with her doe, brown eyes all but begging me to be near her.

Soyeon: There you are.

Me: Are you okay, princess?

Soyeon: *nodding* Yeah. I'm feeling better. Not a whole lot, but better.

Me: You need to keep resting.

Soyeon: I know, but it's late. You don't have to sleep in the reading room, I'll be okay if you sleep in here.

Me: I don't want to distract you when you're trying to sleep.

Soyeon: You won't.

Me: ...

Soyeon: Please?

Me: You have to rest.

Soyeon: If you don't come here I'll stay up the rest of the night.

She pulled back covers and patted down on the mattress, inviting me in. Look at her...those eyes...I would be a monster to say no. As she scooted to the side, I climbed into our bed, opening my arms for her to slip into. I hummed as she did, planting a kiss on her forehead as she rested on my chest, slipping her leg between my own as she held onto me like a pillow.

Soyeon: I love you.

Me: I love you too, princess. *quietly* I love you so, so much.

Soyeon: It's not a competition.

Me: Yeah it is. And I'm winning.

Soyeon: *smiling* You're annoying.

Me: *smiling* You're so precious.

Soyeon: What were you reading?

Me: Hm?

Soyeon: In the other room?

Me: I was reading out of that compilation you bought me last christmas. The Romantics.

Soyeon: For a romantic.

Me: See? This is what I mean. Less talking, more sleeping.

Soyeon: Read me one. So I can sleep.

Me: Shakespeare or Blake?

Soyeon: Blake.

Me: Okay. Um...this one is called The Poison Tree.

Soyeon: *nodding* Mhm.

Me: I was angry with my friend; I told my wrath, my wrath did end-

Soyeon: This isn't romantic.

Me: Soyeon.

Soyeon: What? *laughing* It isn't.

Me: *laughing* You know that's not what it means to be a romantic.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2022 ⏰

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