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- Soyeon's POV -

It felt like the world was on a tipping scale. But still, over the next few weeks, I lived...a normal life? If you can call living with a drug trafficker normal. I go to work. I take my medicine. I sleep some nights. But the aura has changed around here. Everything and everyone was careful.

I was working my shift one night, doing the rounds. It was crowded tonight. So many people came out. So many different types of people. I saw Jooeun come in and wanted to say hi, but she was surrounded by Jimin and Yoongi. And Yoongi is scary.

Looking around, it looked like a lot of people who work with Namjoon are here. I saw Hoseok and Taehyung lurking around the place, dressed in black, tieless suits, looking intimidating. Watching every single party goer.

Holding a black tray full of drinks, I went up to the second floor of Elite, serving at this table full of mob bosses. Standing right in the middle with all eyes on him was Namjoon. His piercing eyes followed my every movement as I passed out the drinks to each of the men who ordered them.

Me: Um, one white russian?

Dae-Jung: That's me.

Me: George Ocean, neat?

Namjoon: *winking*

Me: Two bourbons on the rocks?

Hwan: Here.

Kevin: Here.

Me: Is that all for you gentlemen?

Namjoon: Hmm. Not quite.

He walked around the table, holding another big bill in his big hands. His large frame towered over mine, standing behind me. I could feel his eyes all over me, making my face fall red. He's smiling back there at my reaction. I know it. Namjoon slipped the heavy tip into my hand, patting my shoulder as he backed away.

Kevin: Cute girl, Boss.

Hwan: Does she dance?

Me: What?

Hwan: Like them.

The one in the blue jacket pointed to the exotic dancers that were twirling, twisting, vibing with the booming music of the club, hyping up the guest with their moves. Some of them were so talented, you'd confuse them for acrobats.

Dae-Jung: Damn. I'd love to see this one put on a show.

Me: I don't...I don't dance...um....

Namjoon: She's just a waitress.

Hwan: Boss! Why do you have a girl like that working in a place like this?

Dae-Jung: Look at her. All innocent.

Namjoon: Drop it.

Me: I have more rounds to do...

I pulled the tray off the table, backing away from all those...men. From the look on his face, Namjoon was pissed off. Probably more so than me. I nodded at Namjoon, turning on my heel to leave, wanting to get as far away from them as possible.

Hwan: It's a shame. The only job a beauty like that should be having is her mouth full of cock.

Namjoon: *stern* I said drop it.

I swiped a drink from another waitress doing her rounds and launched it in Hwan's face. The rest of the men lean back away from the splash. I slammed the glass on the table and left for real this time. Namjoon chuckled behind me.

When Tony got word of what I did, he put me on a break to cool off. Calm myself down before going back to work. And downstairs, I saw Taehyung escort Hwan out of the club. I noticed Yoongi at the bar, alone this time. Jooeun and Jimin nowhere in sight.

Hoseok seemed to have forgotten that he's working and was dancing around with one of the club's dancers in a less than friendly way. I like people watching. Making up little stories about people as they go by. Creating a whole new life for them.

On the dance floor, I saw Namjoon. He was talking to some girl, dressed in a bold red dress that complemented her well and blended in with the aesthetic of the club. She's pretty. A million times more than me. I know her. It was the girl from the hospital who psych examined me the day my father (thankfully) died. Joo-hyun.

If only I had her confidence to wear a dress like that. To talk to Namjoon like that. To talk to anyone like that. It's like she knows that she has the world wrapped around her petite finger. What am I compared to all of...that?

Yoongi moved from the bar, walking on the other side of the second floor. I had a clear view of him across from me. I sat up straight with a weird feeling in my gut after someone bumped into him. The way he turned around and glared told me that they didn't say sorry.

It's a nightclub. Where would someone be rushing to like that. I sat from my table, standing over the railing to get a view of the crowd. This place is so dark, even with the crazy, flashing lights. Just as quickly as this person appeared, they vanished.

Things got weirder. I swear, I saw more shadows like that multiplying. More and more and more. People dressed head to toe in black. Coming into my vision and leaving just as quickly. I made eye contact with Yoongi. He's seeing this too.

Taehyung and Hoseok spoke frantically into their mics, walking from their post and drawing their guns. As they did this, the other security guards followed their lead.

I looked up. The creepies were gone again. I turned back to Yoongi and he had a small, red laser dot on the top of his head. Right then, another popped up on Namjoon's neck. Oh no.


Before I knew it, I was rushing. Running to get back downstairs. I shoved past people as fast as humanly possible, ran out to the dancing floor, shoving Namjoon out of the way of his laser, right the gun aimed at him fired and blasted a glass behind him. I tripped and stumbled us both over. Another shot fired at a chandelier above us, crashing inches next to my head.

Then things broke out. The Elite guards and the creepies fired at each other, the party goers running for the exits. We scrambled up from the shattered glass, ducked over to avoid the flying bullets. The club was emptying out and the shooters were being handled by Hoseok and Taehyung. We were close just a few steps away when one last shot was fired

and landed right in Namjoon's stomach. 

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