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Of course I had to check up on Kalyce, especially after the way our phone call ended.

I planned to invite her over but since she was so close to going into labor we both decided it was more mature for me to go by myself, so I planned to go to her house about 2 hours before picking Kindley up.

Once I got there I knocked on her apartment door waiting patiently on her to open it, she'd taken a while but I gave her time knowing she was probably alot bigger by now.

Once the door opened I smiled to her and my eyes widened looking down to her stomach, "Oh wow...Hey Kalyce how are you?"

She smiled, "Im fine, come in."

She'd looked stressed, I could tell she wasn't handling the news well and I didn't blame her. Honestly I felt bad, its as if I wished it on her, when I walked into the house I noticed it was worse and worse the deeper we got in. The place was trashed, food left out on the counters, things for her baby on the couch and furniture untaken care of.

I kept my shoes on, hoping she wouldn't mind and followed her to take a seat on the couch, I tried my best to sit somewhere clean without anything in the way and she came to lay herself against the arm of the couch.

"So uhm...Yknow I just wanted to come check up on you, I saw your tweet uhm. I'm really sorry Kalyce."

she sat down carefully shrugging, "Uhm..."

I looked at her for a moment, she was silent at first and I soon noticed her tears.

I gave a side smile, "Aw Kalyce...Im so sorry.."

"Its fine, they told me theres a large chance that the baby will survive."

"Well theres no way they can determine that for sure...That percentage still had another side to it Kalyce, just pray it'll all work out."

I knew I wasn't comfortable in her apartment, but I had to be there for her. I got closer to her and to my knees holding her hand, "Kalyce Im gonna be honest...You fucked up having sex with my fiance." She looked to me and I gave a smile, "And I cant fully forgive you for that, I dont know if I ever will, because I feel the same hurt everytime I look at my daughter...Seeing her dads eyes." I looked her in her own eyes.

It might not have been the time so I changed the subject, "But you were still my bestfriend, and although I still hate you for that," I squinted at her and she smiled, "I still love you at the same time...Ill be praying for you, and although only God knows I really feel like these doctors just arent sure what they're talking about."

She nodded, "Thankyou..."

"And despite how you got your child, lord forbid if something happens." I gave a side smile, "Im sure Kentrell will remember you when he sees her just like I remember him when I see Kindley...And Im sure your family and friends and I will all be happy to welcome them into this world, and if lets say...You survive. Its a lesson learned, its something I hope we can all move past and theres still a chance for you in the future, just not with my baby father." I smirked.

She nodded, "Ill make sure it doesn't happen."

"Yeahhh you do that...But Im betting on the survival of the both of you, miracles do happen."

"How do you just put all that aside?"

"Put what aside?"

"Yknow...the whole pregnancy situation?" I shrugged, "I guess I just learned you cant hold a grudge, and if you need me right now Ill be here."

She smiled, "Well, I know Ive already done enough but Ill make this the last request Domonique."
I looked to her, "I know you may be busy so if you say no that's fine with me...But Ive just been pretty nervous and I know you've done it all before, Id just like you to be there for me when..." She lowered her voice, "I go into labor."

My smile soon faded and I saw hers do the same, "Well, Id love to Kalyce...Im so sorry is— Im sure Kentrell will be there?"

She nodded, "Your right, Im sorry I know you guys arent on the best of terms." I looked to her and thought about it, I didn't want to see him, I was scared to, embarrassed to, I knew the moment I saw him Id either turn the other way or do something Id regret. "Well the two of you dont have to speak," She gave a small cringe, I took a deep breath looking up to her.

"Uhm," I tilted my head, "Call me when you think its time...Whatever time it is Ill be there."

She smiled and I could tell she was close to crying again, "I have to go now to pick Kindley up, but you have my number...Ill pray for you Kalyce. We'll get through this, I love you," I stood up and she nodded, "I love you too."

I headed toward the door feeling both accomplished and with a new anxiety. But now I was on my way to pick up Kindley and I gave a smile getting into the car knowing I got to see my happiness again.

I took off reminding myself of the route to her house,  once I got there I came to knock on the front door with the same beam I got in the car with.

Once the door opened my mom looked to me holding a tired Kindley over her arm and her car seat in the other hand full of her things, "She's been pretty tired lately."

I nodded taking her and holding her over my own and she looked to me smiling. "Hey princess," I said rocking her and placing her onto my hip.

I looked back to my mom, "Thankyou for watching her," She nodded, "Well ive been meaning to see her for a minute you know I dont mind."

I wasn't sure how to take what she'd said but I just reminded myself to ignore it incase she meant to get under my skin, I looked to the car seat taking it from her and raised an eyebrow.

"I dont remember buying her this...You went shopping?" I picked up a cuban chain from inside it looking to her, "Did you place this in here by midtake."

She quickly fixed her face, "Oh thats..."

I stared back at her, something about her felt so untrustworthy.

"Thats a gift from me to you," She gave a smile and I gave one back, I knew she was full of shit but I couldn't deny a gift in her face, "Thankyou so much mom, really."

She nodded, "Now hurry up, I know you can't wait to bring her back home," Yeah let me hurry up so I can beat this traffic actually, thanks again."

I turned myself around toward the car and rolled my eyes, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get myself around to her ways. She'd been sneaky toward me, rude, judgemental ever since Id gotten high pay for my position as a stripper.

This chapter just always makes me think of "I buy you birkin he buy you prada, which one you proud of? Which one you Prada?" ☹️

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