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"I don't know it's just hard to leave, I feel like I'm so happy with him. He makes me feel complete, its like ever since ive met him I work my life to be around or back to him, when we're together I'm overwhelmed with happiness but then when we break up I hate him with all my heart, and its always because I love him so much he shatters my heart in a way no one else could, and then once we start back talking I try harder and harder each time I see him."

I brushed my hair in the mirror while Kaevaria got dressed behind me.

"I don't blame you, he's not only your baby daddy but you lost your virginity to the man. The real question here is do you think he's willing to change his ways for you?" She asked stepping into her heels.

 The real question here is do you think he's willing to change his ways for you?" She asked stepping into her heels

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(Btw this will be Kaevaria).

I looked over to her, "That's the one thing I dont know."

"Well just know it's not about how much you dont let a person get away with, its about how many chances you give them. Why would I care about someone getting upset if they wont do anything about it, it's like a slap on the wrist. If you really want him to change for you you have to let him know you arent afraid to leave him if he doesnt respect your wishes."

What she said made too much sense, I gave her a smile and she smiled back, "Thanks Kae."

She was called on stage and I watched her walk off still with a smile. I knew what I had to do, just not how to do it. I had truly been together with Kentrell one time and I messed that up myself, everything in between now was just bullshit we've done to cope with losing each other.

I finished fixing myself up and waited to be called out to preform. Once I got out I chose a slow song to play for myself, just because it matched how I was feeling. I looked at the faces in the crowd while gliding acrossed the pole, the more time I spent away from the club the more disgusted I was with being here and seeing all these grown ass men.

After I was done preforming I looked around for Kaevaria when I instead ran into Alexis.

I tapped her shoulder failing to notice who she was until she turned around with already a mug on her face. "Uhm—" She moved her shoulder as if I had some kind of disease. "Girl dont play with me, I didn't even mean to touch you I thought you were Kaevaria." I said mugging her.

"No you dont play with me, do I look like Kaevaria to you?" She said raising an eyebrow. I was never on good terms with this bitch but she must not have learned her lesson from the first time so I guess Id give her another one, "Now Alexis, I think you and I both know what happened the first time you tried me so lets calm our ass down. It was a simple mistake, I wont touch your ass again I didn't even wanna touch you."

"I dont know if you take me for a kid or something but you arent just gonna scold me infront of all these people like I am one." We caught peoples attention, all except the important security guards. I was on edge, and with a million dollar baby daddy I didn't even need this job that bad to be sitting up getting tested. "Alexis get out my face." I simply said.

"You came up in my face you can move."


"I'm not moving."

I had enough, all the people Ive lost and all the things Ive been put through this year I wasn't tolerating anymore of it. I swung on her and thats when Diamond came out of nowhere, I got one last good hit in before they both pummeled me grabbing my hair and swinging. Security rushed to seperate us all and I struggled to get past them.

"Bitch you not gone punk me!" Alexis screamed.

I was too busy trying to fight the security to even hear the both of them screaming at me and the manager came out, red faced and upset. Instead of going. to the girls who decided to jump me he came to me pointing.

"You, go home, and you two come with me!" He screamed.

My jaw dropped, "Why do I have to go home they jumped me!" My question was never answered. Instead I stood there with my jaw wide opened for a minute until I went to the locker room to grab my shit. Kaevaria looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"You couldn't take it either could you?"

"They're just so full of themselves. They think they're untouchable." She shook her head, "If it wasn't for security outside Alexis would've caught it." She said and I laughed at that, "I'm not sure what's gonna happen to me so incase I get fired you know my number."

She nodded, "Before you leave you might wanna look in the mirror, I think your lip might be busted..."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "wh—" Looking in the mirror I noticed my lip was busted and there was a scratch next to my eyebrow. My lace was slightly lifted and about 2 of my nails fell off. In other words.

I was fucked up

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I was fucked up. "How am I gonna go back to Kentrells house like this..."

"You'll be fine, if anything he'll be concerned. You're still a beautiful girl its only temporary."

I shook my head, "I guess you're right...I'm not sure what's gonna happen to me so if I get fired you have my number." She nodded and we said our goodbyes before I got in the car to drive back to Kentrells place.

The pain in my face started to kick in and I got a headache even on the way back.

Okay, I just wanted a lil spice. After this Ill do a few normal chapters and let y'all rest😭.

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