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I set my phone down for a while, longer then I should have just to get it all off my mind. I decided to even take a shower before Id come check it.

"Girl it is not half that serious," I heard Kae say with a smile shaking her head.

"What? Im just washing off the day, alot happened."

"Yeah or you're nervous to find out your phone rang while you were in th—"

"WHAT? Why didn't you come get me?"

"Well you couldn't hear me over that loud music when I knocked and I didn't wanna barge in, here's your phone," she handed it out to me and I sat down on the couch clutching my towel as I let my phone scan my face to read my notifications.

Most were from instagram and twitter which I ignored going straight for imessage.

My brudda say he wanna talk to you.

Missed Facetime Call from 225-909-7317 (2)


I gave a side smile, "I think he tried to call me."

"Joe? Well yeah."

"No, I think Kentrell did," I looked to her biting my lip to fight a smile and she shook her head, "Well what makes you say that?" "Joe said 'My Brudda' wants to talk to you." I mocked their BR accents showing her the phone, "And why would anyone besides Kentrell wanna talk to me about Kindley?"

"It has to be," She said and I picked Kindley up from out her lap where she slept carrying her on my shoulder while I stood. "He wants me, I knew it!"

"Girl if you'on— Co parent!" She reminded me getting up to go toward the kitchen, "I know!" I said peeking my head out the door frame.

I brought Kindley to her bed setting her down and smiled swirling my fingers around her coils, I loved her haie, it was getting long. Both Kentrell and I gave her a head full of healthy long textured hair, a texture Id teach her to love when she was old enough to understand. A texture society told her wasn't okay to love, but I loved.

I kissed her forhead before I got up to exit her room, closing the door gently and headed back to pick my phone up from the couch.

"So are you gonna call back, text?" She looked to me slicing up an apple and I screwed my face.

"Why dont you just— anyway, uh I think Ill...Call?"

"Oh okay, not the boldness."

"I mean, he called I missed it...Its almost like I owe him a call back, that is Joe— Im talking about not Kentrell."

"Ahuh, not Kentrell." She smirked sliding a slice into her mouth.

I brought my phone with me walking into the bedroom placing it down on the nightstand and continued getting ready in the bathroom, I took my time with my routine for myself of course. Enough time not to realize 30 minutes went by and I was busy checking my body out in the mirror.

I quickly came to the room opening my closet and scrolled through a few pj's until I just settled on a Fashion Nova onesie.

I put on my underclothes first then the onesie, closed the closet door and picked my phone up sighing.

"Kae!" I called to no response.

"Kaevaria!?" Once again no response, I decided to find her myself and slowly pushed open what was a creaked bedroom door just to see she was already knocked out in bed. "Everyones sleeping on me huh..." I say quietly.

I swallowed the pill of having to answer this phobe by myself and made my way back to my bedroom, sat back against the headboard and took a deep breath. He might be alone anyways, who said I was calling Kentrell? Who said it wouldn't just be Joe, he might not even answer.

I knew I sounded dumb but the thoughts helped, "okay," I quietly comfort myself.

I looked at the missed call once again giving a side smile, it was a simple thumb tap and Id be ringing him, it couldnt have been that hard yet for some reason I debated for the 50th time on pressing it.

Finally I did and quickly positioned myself, looking away from the screen as if something in my room was more interesting then it.

It rung a couple times worrying me, for some reason upsetting me even though it shouldn't have. Just as I looked back to the camera I was met with a high ass Joe smoking a blunt right in the frame.

"Ay this Domonique right?"

"Yeah Joe, Domonique," I said trying to contain a smile.

"Oh...Oh yeah Yb say he tryna talk to you."

"Well uhm...Is he there with you?" I squinted looking away.

"Yeah he right hea," he tilted the camera to him and I moved my hair out the way feeling myself tense up.

"Just give me the phone dude..." He said emphasizing the d and took it from him, there was a silence while he walked to another room. A silence that was undeniably awkward, I glanced to the camera.

"Its been a while..." I said quietly breaking the silence and he looked to the phone while he closed the door, I realized he was at his house but he definitely had company...Girlfriend company, I knew by the clothes on the bed he probably didn't think I noticed.

"Since you've seen Kindley," I made sure to add.

He nodded slowly, "She sleep?"

"Yeah, she was with Kae all day."

He sat down on his phone down on his own bed and I watched him pull his shirt over his head, he still had on an undershirt thankfully.

"I miss seein her," He finally said tossing his shirt off somewhere and leaned on the bed looking down at the phone.

"I miss her seeing her dad...She deserves a father."

He nodded looking off somewhere and I soon realized Id be the one initiating conversation, "So...When do you wanna see her?"

"Ill come pick ha up tomorrow."

"Woah...I mean okay," I quickly fixed my widened eyes and set my phone down letting him stare to the ceiling.

"You dont want me to?"

"No that's fine...Just pretty sudden."

I heard the sound of a door opening and looked to the camera while he couldn't see me.

"The whole living room smells like marijuana your friends are smoking the place up."

"Ite Nique, Ima call you back."

"Okay," I said waiting on the call to end, it did quicker then I could pick my phone up and I furrowed my eyebrows, it was dryer then I expected. Im not sure why I expected anything, I shouldn't have but for some reason I did...I more then expected but I wanted.

I grabbed my charger plugging my phone up and gave a side smile laying my head onto the pillow.

Whatever it was it isn't what it should've been.

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