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I was unhappy for the last couple of days, anytime Kentrell spoke to me it was a quick, "good morning." or a quick "okay." I couldnt look at him the same. Anytime I looked at him all I saw was Kalyce all over again, fuck her and their kid. I couldnt even get the evil thoughts and images out of my head, praying that it was either her or the baby at birth.

I was tired of moving house to house, first my mom, then Kalyce, Kentrell and now Kaevaria but I knew what my brain would tell me better then my heart and if I knew any better I had to leave. This time there was no going back, Id leave for as long as I needed until I saw a change and if not it was time for a new life. I was fine without him and Id be better on my own anyways. I decided to pack my things and attempt to leave with Kind while he was asleep.

I put her things and carseat in the car and even got Kae in on it. Being with Kentrell for this long I had more then one car trip worth of things but we didn't have too much time and we had to be smart. I packed some things into her trunk including Kindley in her carseat.

When I got back into the house I only had a few things to grab, just two small bags and my backpack.

I threw it on and picked the one I could find up trying my best to tiptoe out the room but once I looked back at the bed I noticed something was off. I went back to the bed to check if he was still snoozing but instead it was flat, I turned my phone flashlight on to make sure my eyes werent deceiving me only to furrow my eyebrows. Once again it was flat and no one there.

"What the fuck is dis shit?" I heard Kentrells voice say and the sound of another bag hit the floor.

I turned to him slowly, this time he wasnt sad and there were no tears.

"My stuff.." I said standing my ground.

"What the fuck you mean yo stuff? Yo stuff fah' what what you finna do?"

"I dont have to explain shit to you and dont throw my bag."

"Nique ian playin wit you why you got all these bags? And why Kindley room look like that?"

"I think its pretty obvious, I'm her mother." The strong talk I was doing wasnt getting me very far, I tensed up as soon as he walked to me. The thing is he moved slowly tilting his head as if he had alot on his mind.

"You ain leavin me I done told you that a while ago. And you damn shol' not leavin wit my baby, you can go get yo shit and bring her back in hea." He said taking the backpack off one of my arms.

"No I'm done here you ruined my lif—" I pushed him from me trying to walk from his presence and thats when all hell broke lose, he pulled me back by may arm and slammed me to the wall by my neck. But the difference from all the other times is this wasn't a cute or sexual grab. I knew he had intentions to harm me, I grabbed at his wrist trying to pull him off before id get close to losing my circulation.

"Say...I told you to go get yo shit."

Ive never felt in fear for my life before. All I could do was finally slap him, if he intended on hurting me I intended on hurting him. I used all the strength in my body and he almost fell to the ground with complaint.

"What the fuck are you doing!" I screamed, grabbing the backpack and bags and attempting to run.

I was always too slow or too weak, but he continued trying to keep me in this room. Grabbing my hair and snatching me back, I swung at him screaming and pleading as I did it, "Kentrell stop what are you doing!? STOP!" But he didn't care, he fought me back and the last hit is what took me. My head nearly swung halfway around the room and I lost damn near all my senses for a second.

The next second I gained them I was once again pinned to the wall, this time he looked me straight in the eyes, his nostrils flaring as he breathed heavily and his eyes wide with frustration. I swear I saw the devil in him.

"If you dont let me go..." His grip on me tightened but I refused to stay quiet, "Im calling the police on you..." I said while my face stung.

"I suggest you shut the fuck up cuz you ain seen shit."

"I cant believe you're my babies father.." My voice cracked saying that, I now felt the pain in his eyes in my own self. I had to fight all the demons he gave me off, and unlike him Id get rid of them myself and not try to find someone else to do it.

I kicked him as hard as I could not even caring where and his scream wouldn't stop me or give me any sympathy. I grabbed my bags and ran as fast as I could, almost falling down the stairs and out to the car.

I banged on Kaevarias window screaming at her to go and got to my own, starting it up and the two of us drove away. As soon as we got to her house Id posted just how single and hurt I was.

Being needed no longer felt good, fuck him and that ring. We got into her house, it was nice here. Cozy and it smelled great.

"You okay Nique?" She asked me wetting a towel for me.

When she brought it to me she sat beside me bringing it to all the bruises or scars on me. It turned out he'd busted my lip and given me a black eye. A couple bruises were left on my body from holding me tightly and even a scratch was left on me. 
I still nodded, Kindley in my lap.

"I just didn't know he'd ever put his hands on me."

"No one deserves that." She said, making sure to be gentle.

"I just wish I could go back to a year ago..."

"Before you two met?"

I nodded, "But he's probably gonna start his own family with my "closest friend"" I shook my head, "I guess Ill find someone new and do the same."

She smiled at that, "Now that's something you deserve." Looking down at Kindley she smiled. Something about her made me feel at home.

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