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I spent the next day alone, I was tired and just wanted to get away from everything and everyone.

I smiled at the picture of him before setting down my phone sniffing and mouthing out an I love you. Even if I didnt feel for him in that way I definitely cared about him.

I looked over to Kind, she was definitely more excited with her dad and calmer with me.

"hey baby" I leaned down giving her a kiss and holding onto her little hand she extended out.

"mommys goin through it right now." I laughed bringing my face closer holding her hand to my cheek.

"I cant wait til its time to help pick out your outfit for school." I laughed at the thought, "Help you with your girl drama."

She just looked up at me clueless but she would know soon.

I continued talking to her and telling her about my day, just simple things she couldnt even understand yet.

I gave her a little bath shampood her hair and even gave her a mini photoshoot once I gave her her onesie.

I even attempted to sing letter to my son to her of course changing it around to fit her.

Kalyce❤️ would like to facetime...

I accepted her with a smile setting the phone up on the coffee table.

"Girl whatchu doin wit my baby."

"Your baby? And nothin just tryna get her into these cartoons.

I pressed play on whatever cartoon was playing hoping shed look over at it but all she did was try to sleep or kick around.

"It'll come just give it time."

"I know but Im just too excited! I wanna know what she'll look like when shes older."

I looked over to her, "I get a feeling its more her dad then me."

I knew she wanted to say something about his new title based off her face but she left it alone.

"How have you been holdin up?"

"You mean like...The whole situation that happened the other day?"


I gave her a thin lipped smile shaking my head and shrugging, "Theres nothing we can do now."

"I mean did he atleast text you?"

I shook my head again going back to playing with Kind lightly incase she wanted to go to sleep.

"Girl wha— He literally got him murdered and..."


She took a deep breath and I could see the lights from whatever store she was headed to shining on her, "Alright, well Im gonna call you back soon as I get up outta here."

I smiled making Kind wave to her and did the same watching her hang up.

I continued watching the cartoons I stumbled on looking over to see she was slumped and taking her up to her room.

Id end up having to go to work soon but with kind being too young for a baby sitter and the terms me and Kentrell were on id have to figure something out.

I couldnt help but feel guilty for what happened to Aries. If he never met me none of it would have happened to him or his family and it bothered me. It bothered me even more that Kentrell hadnt even called or texted to clear the air or let me know what happened.

I could see myself all over the shade room and I was finally fed up jumping to twitter.
NiqueMonet: Id appreciate for his and his family's sake if yall would leave the situation alone:).
It was almost soon as I tweeted it Kentrell liked it and it made me feel even sicker.

Its like I watched the news all day as if they would touch on the subject.

I lost all faith in Kentrell, it was dumb of me to even trust him and at this point I wanted to skip this chapter of my life.

𝘋𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘣𝘺Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora