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Kalyce picked up the phone and he unlocked the car doors for us both to get out.

"So this is 'youngboys' house?"

I didnt respond, I just told Kalyce to mute herself and went to knock on the front door.

"Nique? I asked you a question.." He says right before the door opened.

"Who is that?"

Kentrell never seemed to answer the front door, atleast not if he knew for sure it was me alone and with good intentions.

I got ready to greet Ben when Kentrell brushed past him revealing 3 and Boomer behind them.

"Be careful." I said before sliding past them to go upstairs and grab Kindley.

She was sitting in her crib and smiled once she saw me, I smiled back and rushed over to grab her and her stuff.

"Hey big girl!" I said putting my phone in my pocket and picking her up in a blanket.

I heard yelling causing me to panic. Kindley just reached for my hair not having a clue of what was going on.

I put her things in a bag, put my phone in my pocket and wrapped her up in a blanket when I heard a loud bang followed by yelling and screaming.

My eyes widened.

"Ill be back baby.." I said putting her back in her crib and quickly running downstairs.

I cursed quietly to myself nearly falling down the stairs.

"Take that bitch out back!" I heard someone yell out before the groaning of who I assumed was Trey.

The front door nearly busted open and Kentrell came rushing through not even taking the time to look at me.

"Go upstairs and lock yo self inna room wit Kindley." He said quickly.

"Kentrell what happ—"

"Just get yo ass upstairs." He said louder turning around to me.

Considering the circumstances I just turned my ass around and went, a bit startled at his tone.

Id ask questions later, for now I just did as he said and locked myself in her nursery with her.

I looked out the window for anything and all I could see was a small puddle of blood on the ground.

Taking a breath I went over to her crib, talking to her to calm myself down.

She saw the worry in my eyes, I could tell. A frown slowly crossed her face and she began to sob.

"No dont cry Kind! Its gonna be alright, theres no reason to cry." I said picking her up and trying to get her quiet.

"Everythings just...Fine mommys just a little tired thats all, please stop crying. Just for me?"

That didnt stop her, she only cried louder no matter how much I tried to calm her down or shush her.

Kentrell wasnt here to calm her down and the only person I could think of was Kalyce which reminded me she was right in my pocket.

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