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Nights were getting harder along with Kind. I didnt have that magical touch to make her stop crying like Kentrell did and I was starting to get frustrated at myself.

Her screaming woke me back up out of my sleep so I rushed to her room for about the 3rd time in a row.

"Cmon Kind." I picked her up trying my best to hold it together but it was clear in my face I was ready to cry just as loud as her, I was tired as hell and my head was on ache.

"You need your diaper changed?" I said as if she's respond laying her down to check her diaper, she hadnt used the bathroom so I assumed she was thirsty and brought her downstairs grabbing her bottle and tilting it for her to drink.

Just as I suspected she tried to hold onto it while she drank almost the whole bottle, I sat it down on the counter too tired to even put it away bringing her back upstairs gently patting her back to help her incase she had to belch and laying her back down in her crib.

I examined her for a minute making sure she was fine. She looked back at me for a moment making me smile, she then tried her best to curl over into slumber and I headed over to her door.

"Goodnight Kind, I love you."

I flicked her light off and got on my knees to pray before going back to sleep, I prayed Kentrell was in a good situation despite the past.

With that I got into bed took a breather and drifted off into sleep aswell.


Time had gotten ahead of us and Kind was now 5 months.

Kentrell had spoken to her through facetime a couple times but we rarely had conversation unless it was a hey how are you.

He still took care of me despite our situation and I was working on starting my own buisness in the meantime (Jania Tingz). I was back to getting my shape and myself together.

Kentrell always told her about his day and tried to get her to say things or laugh, she wasnt having the vocabulary part but he never failed to make her giggle.

I answered the phone instantly to her to avoid any awkward conversation.

"Ay thats my princess?"

She smiled reaching for the phone, "Whatchu doin over thea?"

She just continued dancing around.

"Daddy finna come see you."

My face instantly changed, "Huh?" I said flipping the camera onto me.

"I said im finna come over thea n see my princess this weekend."


"she not just yo baby."

He was right, I didnt wanna seem selfish shook my head pandering on what to say, "Okay well for Kind, Ill leave the door unlocked when you come over h— well you know where her room is."

He knitted his eyebrows together and I already knew something was up.


"I cant come talk or nothin?"

"Ill see you then Kentrell."

Before he could catch an attitude I hung up on him and Kinds smile dropped, "Im sorry baby."I felt bad but I didnt have time to be dealing with Kentrell and honestly was upset I even gave him my time of day.

but at the same time it felt good to hear us saying anything besides a hey or how you been.


I wasnt gonna put in as much effort, I didnt care what he thought of me anymore and he could stare at my bonnet as much as he wanted. I heard the door open and peeked around the corner to make sure it was him.

Of course he just had to smell like he always did, he must have been made of money the way he dressed.

It felt somewhat nice to see her dad since it had been so long, I gave a side smile once he approached me for a hug but I instead led him to her bedroom.

His smile dropped into that same resting bitch face like always and I waited at the door for him.

Soon as he walked in she went ballistic giggling and jumping up a storm.

He went from a mug to a smile bending to her crib to play around with her.

I watched the two play standing at the door with my arms folded like a mom waiting on a report card. "She likes your music."

"You say she like my music?"

I nodded grabbing my phone to turn on the clean version of Jump.

She bounced around and he sang the lyrics to her all while dancing to make her laugh.

"Baby these b—...Why it cut out?"

"Ion want her to hear all that cussing."

"She not even gone know lemme see." He tried to take my phone but I snatched my arm away.

"Uh uhn—"

He knitted his eyebrows stepping back, "Why you be actin like im just somebody to you know."

"Im not doing this right now."

"I just wanna know why we cant talk no more."

"You know why Kentrell, what happened to Aries? And even before that whats with you acting shady towards me at the gender reveal...The argument?"

He shook his head, "Thats old shit, and Ion know dude."

"Your bullets do."

He shook his head without even responding and got back down to play with Kind.

I didnt even stay in the room waiting in the living room until he finally left her room heading over to the door.

I could feel his eyes on me looking back over to him, "Yes?"

"Ion like the way we is now."

I held off on correcting him. "I wonder why."

he huffed before responding, "Look Nique we gotta make this work for our baby fuck what we got goin on."

"And we will, I just wanna know why you sent your friends to go after him."

"Goodnight nique."

And with that he left just like he did the last time, without an answer.

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