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"Maybe elemental works alongside emotions. Maybe that is why it's easier for you to use it once you put your feelings on it. Does that make sense?" Charlie asked uncertainty.

"Believe it or not, it makes sense for me." I beamed brightly at him. I yawned again and wished him good night. 


I slowly opened my eyes, and found myself on a red bean-bag of the common room. George and Lee were both sleeping on the couch. I looked around but Rose was nowhere near, I figured she must've gone to her dorm after everyone fell asleep. 

"Wake up!" I yelled as I threw a pillow straight at George's head. He groaned at sat up. 

"What the bloody hell, Freddie?!" He exclaimed, rubbing his eyes with his hands. 

"Wake Lee up, we're gonna be late for breakfast if we don't get ready." I responded, getting up and heading to my dormitory. George and Lee both entered the room a few minutes after I did, we got ready for the day and headed towards the common room once more. 

Down in the common room, some people were heading to breakfast, others were waiting for their friends. Like always, we waited for Rose to come down so we could go to breakfast. 

"What are you three standing there for?" I heard Rose's voice say from behind me. Lee, George, and I jumped at the sound and turned around. She was behind us, with a smirk on her face, but her hair was...teal? Both her hair and her eyes, were in a green-blueish colour. I started at her in confusion, so did George and Lee. 

"What are you looking at?" She snapped at the three of us. 

"Nothing!" We answered immediately. She eyed us in disbelief, but shrugged her shoulders and made her way to the portrait. We walked in silence until Lee cleared his throat. 

"Don't get me wrong Ro, I love the hair. But why?" Lee asked Rose. Rose's eyes immediately went yellow but her hair stayed the same colour. 

"What?" She asked in confusion. Lee signaled her hair and she took a piece of it with her hand. Her eyes went lime green and her hair went back to the normal red. "Better?" She asked, signaling to her hair. 

"Different." I stated, I didn't want Rose to think that we didn't appreciate her abilities. She grinned and entered the great-hall, sitting down on her usual spot besides me. Annie joined us a few minutes later, so her and Rose made small talk. I noticed that she hadn't filled her plate with food like she usually did, and her goblet was empty as well. 

"Rose, are you not hungry?" I asked her when she turned her head to talk with me. 

"Not really." She admitted, and turned towards Lee to talk to him. I didn't dwell on the thought, sometimes she really was not hungry and by the time lunch came around she would eat properly again. 

There was some noise from the Slytherin table, I ignored it but just a few seconds later, a crumpled piece of paper hit Rose in her head. She bent down to grab it, and I made eye contact with George. Silently communicating my concern for whatever the piece of paper said. Rose opened the little crumpled ball, inside in big bold letter it read, 'MUDBLOOD.' I snatched the paper from her hand and stuffed it in my trouser's pocket, she gave me a small thankful smile. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt