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Because I'm your sister! 

I'm sorry I wasn't a better one 

until now. . . 

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"You bloody, idiots!" Rose screamed at Ron and Harry as they came into view. She ran at them full speed and hugged them tightly against her chest.

Right after the sorting, in which Ginny had gotten into Gryffindor and Rose had sat far away from Fred, McGonagall had come to find her to inform her that Harry and Ron had flown straight into the Whomping Willow. In that instant Rose, George, Percy and Fred went running out to find them, which they did as they were leaving the dungeons. Rose hadn't spoken a word to Fred but she wasn't concentrating on being upset when her little brother was in danger.

"Please don't ever do that to me again!" Rose insisted, kissing both their cheeks. Ron pulled apart from Rose, the tip of his ears red. Harry sighed and kissed his sister's cheek. 

"Sorry, Rose," Harry mumbled, giving her a hug. Rose was taken back for a second before she wrapped her arms around her little brother again. The Weasleys were chatting amosts themselves, and from what Rose could deduct, Percy was scolding Ron.

"I'll go speak with McGonagall, I'm sure she wants to discuss your detention with a prefect," Percy had said, before he walked into the dungeons where Rose reckoned McGonagall was. Which left the twins, Ron, Harry, and Rose standing in a corridor with a tension in the air that could be cut with a knife.

"I reckon we should go on our way. . ." Ron trailed off, trying to walk away and taking Harry's sleeve.

"Hold it!" Rose called, putting her hand out in front of Ron and Harry. Ron and Harry winced. 

"Here we go," George muttered as he saw Rose fold her arms over her chest.

"What in the name of Godric Gryffindor were you both thinking!" Rose shrieked. Her hair was going just as red as the Weasleys. "You could've died! I should've known something had happened when Hermione came looking for you in my compartment!"

Rose went silent for a moment, her eyes frantically switching from Harry to Ron.

"I won't lecture you on this," Rose sighed. "I am sure you've had an earful from McGonagall, but you really got me and the twins worried."

Rose looked back at Fred and George, shooting them a wary look as to ask for backup.

"She's right lads," Fred spoke, sending a worried glance at Rose and then again at the two second-years. "You got us worried."

"And not only us!" Rose added. "Hermione thought you were hiding from her! She was pretty shaken up!"

"What?!" Harry and Ron asked, astound. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now