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Something's made your eyes go cold.

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The Morgensterns and Rose arrived to the Manor on a Saturday Morning, which meant that they would be having a Saturday elevenses with some of their closest friends. Naturally, these friends only included The Warringtons and The Puceys, who Rose had a hard time admitting that she loaded the expected company.

Truth be told, her and Cassius had been friends after Adrian had introduced them, and even when Rose and Adrian weren't talking anymore, Cassius still made the effort to go out of his way to greet her every morning at the Gryffindor table. Rose had suspected that he only did that as a favour to Adrian, but he had assured her that he did it on his own free will.

As the Sunday morning rolled in, in which Rose had planned on waking up an hour before the elevenses, she was brutally awoken by Amara Morgenstern, who dumped a pitcher of cold water on Rose.

The red-head shot out of bed, her blue eyes frenetic and her hands in front of her at the ready to attack. She glanced sideways, catching the look of amusement on Amara's dark eyes. Rose relaxed, allowing her hands to fall to her sides.

"What was that for?" Rose grunted, rubbing her eyes and craning her neck.

"You're late!" Amara said with a stern look, her hands were still holding the pitcher.

Rose looked past Amara, to the clock hung on her wall, it showed eight a.m., not late.

"No I'm not," yawned Rose. "It's not even nine."

"'Not even nine?!' " Amara huffed in disbelief. "You should've been awake since seven!"

"Seven?" Rose asked. "Why so early?"

Amara rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. "Because mother is expecting you and I to make sure everything is ready for the elevenses," explained Amara.

"Why us?"

"Because it is what Mothers teach their daughters at our age," Amara huffed again, going through Rose's closet whilst the latter drank water.


"For the love of Morgana, Rose, because it's Pure-blood tradition," Amara explained, throwing her head down.

"I'm not a Pure-blood," Rose pointed out, to which Amara gave a hard glare to.

"But you come from a Pure-blood family," Amara said. "Like I said, it's tradition. Your parents would've educated you on them if, you know-"

"They weren't dead?" Rose guessed.

"Yeah," breathe Amara, pulling at the end of her hair. She cleared her throat, turning back to face Rose and smiled. "Go on, you need to get ready, we haven't got all day!"

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu