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She kept searching, 

until she finally found 

her place.

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As Rose and Charlie walked down the path towards Charlie's cabin, Rose kept getting more amazed. Wizards, witches and dragons were all living together in what appeared to be pure peacefulness. There were children too, but they seemed to be around Rose's age.

Finally, Rose and Charlie walked down a path. At the end of said path, there was a big brown cabin with apparently two stories. They walked inside and Rose was momenterly surprised by how neat the place seemed to be. The dishes weren't piled on the washbasin, and instead were organized on the cabinets. The kitchen wasn't  messy, and the silverware was were it was supposed to be. Even the fireplace didn't seem dusty. 

"Well," sighed Charlie. "This is home. Like it?" 

"It's brilliant, Charlie." Rose said in awe. "How did you managed to keep it clean?" 

"Mum always thought us to keep a clean space. Besides, I nicked one of her cleaning charms book." 

Rose let out a laugh. 

"Why don't you take a walk around the grounds? I'll look for you when dinner's ready." Charlie asked. "How do you feel about roasted chicken?" 

"Is that the only thing you know how to do?" Rose asked cheekly. 

"Yup!" Charlie replied proudly. "I'm an expert by now!" 

Rose laughed again and nodded. "I'll look at the lake." She said, and she was out the door in a flash. 

She kept walking by the same path they came for until she reached a bright blue pond. At the other side of the pond, a huge scary orange dragon was resting peacefully, he was laid down beneath a tree so that he could receive the perfect amount of shadow and sunlight. As Rose walked down the pond, she was startled by a boy who was kneeled down the edge and he seemed to be making small waves with the water. He was moving his hands in a flowy motion and was making small shapes appear inside the water. The boy had messy dark brown hair. 

"How are you doing that?" Rose asked the boy, making him gasp and turn to face her quickly. Rose noticed the boy was around her age, maybe a little older, he had the brightest blue eyes she had ever seen. His eyes were so deep, they looked like the ocean. 

"Oh, hello!" The boy said cheerfully. He extended his hands towards her. "I'm Aaron Thomas." 

"Rose Lightbourn." She mumbled, shaking his hand. "How did you do that?" Rose pointed at the water, where a strange water figure was dancing along the waves. It looked like a dragon, or perhaps a fairy. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now