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Eyes are never quiet;

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The four of us walked to the common room, I was hiding my hair with Fred's sweatshirt. I noticed the common room packed with people, but one head stuck out of everyone else. Keeping my head down, I approached Charlie and tapped on his shoulder. He turned to look at me and smiled. 

"Hiya Rosie? Do you need something?" asked Charlie sincerely. 

"I need to talk to you." I said, loud enough for only he to hear. I was staring at my feet the entire time. 

"Yeah, okay." He said. I turned on my heel and stalked to a corner, Charlie behind me. Once I was sure no one was looking I turned back at Charlie and slipped the sweatshirt off. My hair was now switching between a yellow-green tone and Ice blue. Charlie's eyes widened when he saw me, before he bursted out laughing. 

"It is not funny!" I told him, the irritation thick in my voice. 

"Oh how cute, your hair is back to normal but your eyes are now orange." Said Charlie as he studied me. 

"But I can't change my appearance at will!" I told him. Eyes turning to a yellow-green shade.

"What do you mean?" Charlie asked confused. 

"I tried earlier, with Lee. But I can't I can only change my hair color, and apparently my eyes are out of my control." I informed Charlie. My eyes beginning to turn to black. 

"Okay calm down! I have a friend who is a metamorphmagus, we can talk to her tomorrow. She might know why, she studied a lot about them." Charlie's words seemed to calm me for a bit, but a snort escaped his mouth. 

"What now?" I asked him. 

"Sorry, it's just that for a second your eyes turned blue, before they went yellow greenish and back to their normal green." He said while trying his best not to crack up. Finally I gave in and started laughing with him, eyes turning purple.    


I had managed to keep my emotions at check the next morning, and whenever someone spoke to me that wasn't the twins, Lee or Charlie, I looked down at my feet hiding my eyes. Charlie told me that after breakfast he will take me to see his friend. I was beginning to become nervous because, what if something was wrong with me? And that was the reason I couldn't change my appearance?  

Finally, Charlie walked over to me and told me to follow him. I said goodbye to the boys, and left the great hall. 

"Don't be nervous, it's going to be fine." Charlie told me. 

"How did you know I was nervous?" I asked him. 

"When you have a friend whose emotions change with their hair, you begin to take notice on what color means what." He shrugged. We walked to the courtyard, and sitting in a corner reading a book was a girl with pink bright bubblegum hair. Charlie and I began to make our way towards the girl, I tried to calm myself willing for my hair and eyes to turn to their original color. 

"Hey Charlie!" The girl greeted Charlie with a smile and then turned to me. "Hello, are you his sister? I thought you said Ginny was seven?" I felt myself flush, and willed myself to look down just incase my eyes changed. Charlie just laughed. 

"No. This is a friend of the twins, Rose. And for the record, we look nothing alike." Charlie said with a grin. 

"You're right. All the Weasley are covered in freckles, and she has not one of those." The girl smirked. "Anyways i'm Tonks. Pleasure to meet you." She extended her hand and I shook it. 

"So tell me Charlie, did you came all the way over here to introduce me to your brothers' friend?" Tonks asked in confusion, yet neither her eyes or her hair changed. 

"Rose here wanted to ask you something." Charlie informed her. 

"If it is another request for a snout, i'm sorry but I only do demonstrations on Mondays." Tonks told me. I laughed a little. 

"No actually I have a problem, and I was wondering if you could help me solve it." I finally looked at Tonks in the eye. Tonks gasped.

"Your eyes are amazing Rose, there so pretty. They look like diamonds." She told me. I flushed and I was sure my eyes changed again. 

"They changed!" She exclaimed "They're magenta!" 

"I can also do this." I told her, I looked at her hair and concentrating hard at changing my own. Tonks began to cheer. I looked at my hair and sure enough, it was now pink like hers. 

"I don't see the problem, little one." Tonks said. Charlie only watched in amusement. 

"The problem is, I can only change my hair color at will. My eyes change when ever they want to. And even though I concentrate, my face is always the same." I told her, I was beginning to feel desperate. I glanced to the window behind Tonks, and noticed how my eyes were black. 

"That is not problem Rose. There are different kind of metamorphmagus. Some at them can change their appearance willingly, while others are driven by emotion. Some people's eyes change color depending on their feelings, that can also happen with your hair. From what I am witnessing here, is that your hair color can change at your will but your eyes are depending on your emotions." Tonks informed me. I still didn't understand if it was a good thing or a bad thing, but I simply nodded at her words. 

"My recommendation though. Keep a piece of parchment or a notebook with you as well as a small mirror, and when you notice your eyes change write the emotion you are feeling with the color. That way you will know what each color means." She finished of. Instantly I felt relieved that it was not in fact a bad thing. Glancing to the window once again I noticed my blue eyes, I instantly knew what color was going first in my list. I thanked Tonks for her help and went into my bedroom. 

I grabbed a notebook from my tronk and tore a page. In it I wrote:

Color Code

Blue: relieved.        

Black: despair?

Magenta: Embarrassment? 

I figured since being a metamorphmagus was not exactly bad in the wizarding world, there was no need for me to hide it. However, I liked my auburn hair better than any color and since it was the only thing I could control I was keeping it that way.  'Maybe being a metamorphmagus wasn't such a bad thing' I thought to myself.

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now