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You already know 

how it ends

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As Rose stepped down the Hogwarts Express after her christmas holidays, she saw George, Ron, Harry, Ron, and Fred, the five were waiting patiently for her at the platform in Hogsmeade. 

She smiled brightly at the sight of them, running fast to meet Harry half-way in a desperate sibling hug. Rose kissed his head, pulling away and smiling. 

"I missed you," Rose whispered into his head. 

"I missed you, too," he agreed, smiling up at her. 

Rose looked up to the Weasleys and Lee, she smiled brightly at them before running at the quickly and crashing into Fred's arms. 

"Missed me, did you?" Fred joked as he wrapped his arms around her. 

"I loved the present," she giggled, standing back and grinning up at him. Fred's cheeks went pink as he scratched the back of his neck. 

"I'm glad," he confessed, picking her up again and twirling her around as she laughed brightly. 

• • • 

"I can't believe we have to do this again," Amara Morgenstern complained as Angelina Johnson forced a red ribbon on the older girl's hair. 

"It isn't that bad," Rose answered as she finished tying her hair in an elaborated braid with red ribbons intertwined. 

"You two had quidditch practice yesterday until late," pointed out Amara. "Shouldn't you be tired?" 

"Never to tired for valentines day," Angelina said cheerly. Amara rolled her eyes as Angelina finished with her hair. Alicia came out of the loo with a pink and gold tie, instead of red and gold, Amara refused to wear that. Rose agreed with Amara on the tie, having already decided to make a few strands of her hair pink, which matched with Rose's new brown coloured hair. 

Rose stumbled down the stairs, regaining her balance as she walked over to the couch were George, Lee, and Fred were waiting for her. 

"Again?" Lee whined. 

"Again!" Rose confirmed, swinging her arms over his shoulders and having to stand on her tiptoes to reach him. 

"Come here, smidge," Fred laughed, picking up Rose in a piggy-back ride. 

"I'm not that short," Rose mumbled, leaning her head into Fred's shoulder to talk to the rest of the group. 

"Sure you aren't, tiny temper," George chuckled as he ruffled Rose's hair, to which she swatted his hand away. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now