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You want to play dirty? 

Fine, we'll play dirty

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Rose Potter, with her black intense eyes rimmed with tears, hurried through the corridors of Hogwarts. She wished now more than ever that she had the Marauder's map in her hands, but she gave it to Fred and George so they could sneak some Firewhisky for the before-holiday party they were throwing. 

Rose knocked loudly on Remus' door, her hands shaking. 

"Rose?" Remus asked as he opened the door, taking a look at his god daughter. "Why are you back so early from Hogsmeade? Merlin, what happened?" 

"Remus, please," Rose sniffed. "You have to tell me who Sirius Black was?" 

"Rose, tell me what happened," Remus instead, pulling the red head inside and closing the door behind her. So Rose did, she told him what they had told her at the Three Broomsticks, and how she had run off after she had heard enough.

"And that is why I need to know the truth," Rose finished, wiping the remaining tears from her face. 

"Rose, everything you heard was true," Remus confessed, but he seemed to not be able to talk about it. Rose could see the brim of tears in his eyes and his voice sounded horse, as if he was lost for words. "S-Sirius was our friend, he had been since our seventh year. We thought we could trust him, we thought he was our family. He hated his family more than anything, and he tried to do everything in his power to make them know how much he despised them." 

"Remus, do you think he was really the traitor?" Rose wondered, her eyes hopeful, but Remus could tell that there was something she wasn't telling him. 

"Why would you say that?" 

"Because I think he wasn't the traitor," Rose whispered, she sighed and held his hands in hers. "Remus, he saved me the night my parents died. He was the one who left me at the Lightbourns', he was the one who got me out. Remus, I don't think he's the traitor.! 

"Rose," Remus choked up. "I couldn't believe it either when I heard, but Dumbledore assured me-" 

"Remus," Rose said bravely. "Can you look me in the eye and tell me Sirius Black betrayed us?" 

Remus said nothing, and Rose took it as a sign to kiss his cheek and leave his chambers. She walked back to her common room in silent tears, she had no intentions of talking to any of her friends, the only person she wanted at that moment was brother. She wanted him to know, but at the same time she knew perhaps he wasn't going to be able to handle it, in Rose's mind, he was still a little eleven year old who she had to protect. 

Quietly, and trying to blend in the Gryffindor common room, she slipped into the boy's stair case. She ran three flights off stairs and banged on the door loudly. Thankfully, Harry was the one who opened the door. His glasses were crooked and Rose could see sadness in his bright green eyes. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now