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evil need good, 

good needs evil

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She knew she probably shouldn't be pacing outside the Hospital Wing, but Rose couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps it would all be alright. Perhaps he wouldn't blame her, after all, if she really thought about it, it was all Fred's fault... she didn't like that either.

Soon enough, footsteps hurried towards the red head. Rose looked to her right, sighing in relief when she saw Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny sprinting towards her.

"He's alright," Rose breathed when Ginny crashed into her in a tight hug, placing a comforting hand on Ron's shoulder. "He'll be fine, I promise, he's alright."

Harry and Hermione stood behind the Weasleys, both rocking in the balls of their feet nervously.

She ran her hands over Ginny's hair, kneeling before her and smiling. "You can see him, if you like," she whispered, whipping a tear from her freckled cheeks. She turned to Ron, smiling at him too. "You can both see him, George and Lee are inside but they should be out here soon."

"What happened?" Ron asked, his voice was horse, and his eyes were jumping all over Rose's face. 

Rose bit her lip, wondering what she should tell them. With a sigh, she spoke, "There was an accident. Fred and George were in the wrong place at the right time."

Rose turned to Harry, she winced at the skeptical look in his face, but she kept her front, smiling softly at the younger Weasleys.

"Is mum on her way?" Ginny wondered, wiping her face with her sleeves. "She's probably going mad right now."

"I don't know," Rose admitted. "I talked to Lee a couple of minutes ago, he said George doesn't want to worry Molly unless there's something he needs to worry her with."

Ron and Ginny both seemed conflicted with her answer, but of course, they would have to talk to George about it. Ginny looked down to her feet and Rose realized how older she looked now; she was no longer a little girl who gushed over Rose like she was a goddess.

"He's alright, Ginny," Rose comforted her, pulling her in for a hug. "You can see it for yourself when the boys come out."

Soon enough, she heard the door to the Hospital Wing open and Lee poked his head out. He grinned when he saw the Weasleys and stepped out to the corridor.

"You can go in now," he said, smiling at them and patting their shoulders. "He's up and speaking."

Ginny and Ron looked at each other and nodded; they glanced at Rose, as if waiting for her to walk with them. Instead, the red head nodded her head and stepped back, further away from the door.

Rose waited until she heard them farther away before turning to Lee. "What did he say? What happened?"

"You don't know what happened?" Hermione Granger, who was standing beside Harry silently, asked in horror.

"Hermione!" Harry gasped, as if he feared interrupting someone else's conversation.

Rose grimaced, switching her gaze from the three teenagers in the corridor. When she settled it on Lee, she saw the betrayed look in his face. It was worse than the one Avalon gave her before he attacked Fred. 

"How could you have let it happen, Rose?" Lee wondered, his voice trembling slightly. "You can't tell me you didn't know!"

Rose felt her blood boiled; how dare he believe she did in on purpose?! She took a deep breath before answering him. "I did know, that doesn't mean I didn't try to stop him. Answer my question; what did he say?"

Lee glared at her even harder, his mouth shaking. "He wants to speak to you."

"What about the Morgenstern's and Adrian?"

"That's what you're worried about?" he chortled dryly. She didn't take back her question, she stared daggers into him. "He hasn't decided-"

"Good," she interrupted, turning her head to Harry and smiling softly at him. "Walk with me, would you?"

No one had room to protest before Rose practically dragged Harry off with her and to the way towards McGonagall's office.

"Look, I don't know what's going to happen, but I need you to trust me, alright?" She said once they were out of earshot.

"Rose, I-"

"Harry, please," she insisted, halting to a stop and turning to face her brother. She drank in the fact that they were the same height now, he would pass her in a few months. "Please, trust me."

Harry stared at her for a long time, he seemed to be examining her. His green eyes inspected her own, she even saw her own reflection in his irises. His brows were furrowed as he thought it all through.

"Are you trusting me?" He asked, finally.

"Yes," she admitted, hating the way her chest clenched at her words. "I am trusting you, so please, trust me." He nodded, giving her a half-smile. "You need to write to Aunt Seraphina," she said as they resumed walking. "Tell her there was a mistake and that I am trying to fix it."

"But there was no mistake," Harry interfered. "They knew what they were doing, it was wrong! It was bad!"

"Harry," she stopped again, feeling tears briming at the corner of her eyes. "There is no such thing as good or bad; not in this world anyway. Have you heard of the Yin and Yang philosophy?" Rose noticed the confusion in his eyes, so she allowed herself to continue. "Yin and yang is a Chinese concept that describes opposite but interconnected forces. There can be no positive without a negative, no open without closed, no light without shadow; overall, good and bad will always intersect, so much so that they disappear."

"Rose," Harry says carefully, as if thinking every word through. "What they did was wrong, they could've hurt Fred!"

Rose sighed, Harry's heart was too pure, too set on its ways to accept that there might be something else than black and white. If she was honest, she admired that from him, she wished she didn't have to find balance in everything she did in order to keep the guilt from eating her alive.

"If I was in Amara's place, Harry, I would've done the exact same thing," she admitted, bracing herself in front of McGonagall's office. "or worse." 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now