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Speak your mind

even if your voice shakes

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"Ahh, here she is gentlemen," Lee laughed as Rose entered the common room the day of the last visit to Hogsmeade. "Rose Potter, the looser of the bet!" 

"Do the walk of shame, Rosie," George joked as Rose the Gryffindor fifth years with both her middle fingers up. 

"Shut it, you arses," Rose said with gritted teeth, standing before the fireplace facing the sofa were Fred, George, Angelina, Lee, Alicia, Amara and Kenneth were sitting. 

"I still can't believe you lost that bet, Rose," Angelina commented, admiring the short skirt she was wearing. "You're the best in our class." 

"Apparently not anymore," Fred snorted, receiving a pillow in the face curtesy of Rose. 

"You're gonna freeze in that skirt," Alicia said. "Don't get me wrong, hot outfit, but you'll freeze before you get to the carriages." 

"I'm wearing a jumper," Rose shrugged, taking a seat in one of the love seats. "Besides, I never get cold." 

Lee, Fred, Amara and George chuckled quietly, knowing the exact reason why Rose wouldn't freeze even if she wore a bikini in mid snow-storm. 

"At least you've got more chemistry with Pucey than with Diggory," Kenneth said, smiling at Rose. "About time you broke up with the Hufflepuff." 

"For your information, Towlers," Rose said, "I haven't broken up with Cedric." 

"Won't you look at that," Kenneth admired impressed, leaning back in his seat. "What an interesting turn of events." 

"I think it's good that Cedric trusts Rose so much," Alicia said, glaring at Kenneth. "So, Kenneth, if I were you, i'd keep my mouth shut." 

"Someone's cranky," Kenneth mumbled, getting a smack in the head by Alicia. 

"Well, Rose, I reckon it's time," George clapped, standing from his seat. The rest of the fifth year lions stood up as well. "We'll walk you to the Great Hall, and watch as your dignity fades away with every step you take towards Pucey." 

"Let's get this over with," Rose muttered, her head hung low as they left the common room with her friends making a big scandal through the whole walk. Fred and George wouldn't stop whistling, the girls were clapping, and Kenneth and Lee were cackling with laughter as they tried to frighten her with 'the walk of shame'. 

"Lee, the 'walk of shame' doesn't exist," Rose said, fed up with the noise that had followed her since the common room. "And even if it did, I wouldn't feel it." 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now