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Wars Bloom in their heads like flowers

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As Rose Potter had foretold, the rumours of Harry Potter going off his rocker at the maze spread like wildfire. So far, she had received two letters from Ron and one from Hermione Granger begging her to talk to Harry; to make him stop saying that Voldemort was back. However, Rose had no time for playing hero; Cedric's death was still too fresh in her mind. Even if she had vowed to stop grieving him, her heart ached for the boy who gave his life up for her.

So she did what anyone else who had lost a loved one would do: she fled away from home. Being at the Manor meant she was always being monitored by her aunt and cousins. She was hardly alone, and she got in a lot of trouble when she was manic, as the Healer stated, which Rose interpreted for an official word that meant she'd had enough and wanted to go out for a drink; something that had become awfully common for her and she'd often found herself just a few steps outside the manor passed out in some bush with a horrible headache. 

Rose, tired and alone, decided it was now time to talk to Harry. Mind you, nothing that was written in Hermione's or Ron's letters convinced her to do so, since they insisted Harry was going mad. But Rose took care of her own, she always had and always will.

She popped up at Little Whinging in the middle of the night, a few weeks after her seventeenth birthday, directly in front of Harry's house. It was strange to consider that she might have lived there as well if Sirius Black hadn't given her up to his squib cousin, Marisse Black. She shook her head, uttering a recognition spell under her breath and realising there was only one person in the house.

Rose spotted the back of Harry's head through his window and allowed herself inside the house, making sure to place an adapted silencing charm on her shoes so she wouldn't be heard. Rose paused as she arrived at Harry's door. She didn't know what to say or even where to begin. Perhaps she'd start with an apology.

She knocked on the door slowly, brazing herself for whatever mood Harry would be in when he saw her for the first time after the tragic events of the maze. However, when he did open the door, she did not expect to see the manic look on Harry's eyes; the one she had been catching in her own reflection more often than not lately.

"Who are you?!" He basically barked at her, his eyes scanning her face with his wand pointed directly at her chest. Rose's hands instantly went up beside her head, her wand clattering to the floor.

"Harry?" Rose spoke quietly, her eyes switching from the wand in her chest to her brother's crazy green eyes. "Harry, put your wand down before someone gets hurt." 

Harry's eyes slowly filled themselves with recognition and he lowered his wand, but still pointed it at her from besides his leg. Rose noticed that, and she begged herself to stay calm and not tear away Harry's wand from his hand.

"Are you Rose?" he asked her, his wand going back to her chest again.

"Harry – ?" Rose begun.

"ARE YOU?!" He snapped, this time his wand dug into her chest painfully.

"YES!" Rose gritted her teeth, pushing him back quickly before bending down to grab her own wand and pointing it at him. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Tell me something only the real Rose Potter would know," Harry ordered, his breathing ragged for some reason, but his eyes were set on the wand now being pointed at him. When Rose stayed quiet, Harry spoke the same words again, this time with more force than before.

"Fine!" she snapped, glaring at him with bright red eyes. She was now starting to see why Ron and Hermione had thought Harry was going mad; probably because he was. "After you were chosen for the tournament, I told you I'd take any kind of hex for you, and you said you didn't need protection from your older sister."

Harry seemed to believe her because the tension in his shoulders dropped significantly and he dropped himself on his bed.

"Can I come in now?" Rose asked, her tone bitter as she let herself in with no invitation.

She took two steps towards Harry's bed and sat next to him, sighing as she did so before turning her head towards him. "What the fuck was that, Harry? You could've poked my eye out, you know?"

Harry grumbled angrily besides her, turning his head towards her too. "I thought you were someone else; someone dangerous." 

"Oh, I am someone dangerous," Rose challenged, her angry emotions growing significantly. "Just not the danger you expected."

"What are you doing here, Rose?" Harry asked, rolling his eyes at her previous statement. "Shouldn't you be off in Morgenstern Manor enjoying your summer?"

"Is that what you think I've been doing for the past months?" Rose inquired, standing from the bed and facing him angrily. "Laying around in the sun?"

He shrugged, as if she had answered the question herself. Rose huffed angrily, crossing her arms over her chest, "I have been trying to keep you out of all the bloody trouble you put yourself in with the ministry!" 

Harry glanced up at her curiously, raising one of his eyebrows in question. "What trouble?"

"Haven't you heard?" Rose inquired, sarcasm dripping from her tone. "They think you've gone mad! A bloody nut case from what the prophet says. I, however, have refrained of every comment about what happened the night of the maze –"

"What?" Harry snapped, anger rising in his tone. "You haven't said shit about what happened at the maze?"

"What is there to say?!" She screamed back at him, challenging him with her tone. "Do you really, for one second, believe the Ministry will just accept the fact that You-Know-Who came back? That he killed Cedric?"

Harry continued to look up at her angrily, as though he couldn't believe what his sister was telling him.

"Let me answer that question for you, Harry," Rose continued, leaning over to him as her eyes shined bright red. "No, they won't. Not unless You-Know-Who makes a move so big they are forced to believe he is back! But you won't help your case if you continue rambling on and on about him!"

"He killed Cedric, Rose!" Harry shouted, glaring up at her with all his might. "Are you really letting him get away with it? I thought you loved him!" 

"Love makes you weak," Rose snapped back, venom dripping from her words. "And I am not letting him get away with it; I'll avenge Cedric, just like I will avenge Lily and James. But you have got to start listening to me!"

"Listening to you?" Harry chocked out with a huff of indignation. "Merlin, are you even listening to yourself? 'Love makes you weak?' Where did you learn that bullshit, Rose?!"

"Does it matter?" She inquired, her tone more settled as she leaned over him one more time with a look that could kill. "If you really want You-Know-Who defeated, then stay out of my way; and while you're at it, Harry, stay out of trouble. A war is coming, and you are far too young to involve yourself in it." 

She gave him one last look before she gripped her wand and turned on the spot, dissaparating out of Harry's sight. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now