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I think there are pieces of 

yourself that you will always guard. 

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By the next morning, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Neville Longbottom had lost Gryffindor a hundred and fifty points. Ravenclaws and Hufflepuff turned their backs at them, and Slytherin would clap and whistle as they walked past. Every Gryffindor in the castle ignored them plainly and turned away as they walked towards them.

Rose on the other hand, would feel extremely guilty about the whole situation. Fred would remind her that it wasn't her fault, and in those times Rose would feel extremely pissed off with Hagrid, the gamekeeper at Hogwarts. She thought it was stupid that he couldn't deal with a dragon on his own, and as a consequence, he dragged down a bunch of good-hearted first-years.

Ron and Harry would often walk with their heads hung down, George and Fred would tease them mercilessly, but Rose felt the need to tell them to knock it off.

One afternoon, Oliver and Rose were planning Quidditch practice schedules, when Harry came to them. His hair messy as ever and his emerald green eyes sad.

"Hiya, Harry." Rose said once he arrived at them, she tried to sound cheerful but it came as a lump on her throat. "What can we help you with?"

"I am offering to resign from the Gryffindor Quidditch team." Harry answered bravely. Oliver choked on his spit and Rose gasped loudly.

"Resign?" Oliver thundered. "What good'll that do? How are we going to get any points back if we can't win at Quidditch?"

"I'm with Oliver, Harry." Rose said, recovering from her initial shock. "I mean, have you gone mad? You can't resign from quidditch!"

"Fine, I won't then." Harry turned on his heel and stalked away.

"Quidditch practice in ten minutes, Potter! Be there!" Oliver called after the gloom boy. Oliver sighed loudly and sat down at the armseat behind him.

"Oli, are you OK?" Rose asked worriedly, ever since they had lost the points Oliver had been less positive on winning the next match.

"Fine," Oliver answered through gritted teeth, he exhaled loudly and turned to stare at Rose. "I shouldn't kick him out, should I?"

"Of course not," Rose replied shootenly, sitting across from him. "Reckon Harry's worried he made you upset."

"No time to be upset!" Oliver replied, standing up at once and glancing at the grandfather clock in the common room. "Quidditch time!"

But Quidditch was no better for poor Harry, Rose thought. The team wouldn't speak to him during practice, and if they had to speak about him they called him 'the Seeker'.

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin