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let's cause a little 


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For their luck, Seraphina Morgenstern didn't realise her kids were hungover as she picked them off from the station. They told her they were tired, and she believed them, sending them all to rest before they had lunch. 

"Amara?" Rose called as she knocked on her cousin's door, not waiting for an answer before opening the door. 

"I'm tired, Ro," Amara groaned form her bed, the duvet covering her and all Rose could see was the blob of messy brown hair in the pillow.

"Oh, get over yourself," Rose huffed, jumping into the bed and making herself comfortable. "A hangover isn't that bad."

"You should know that's a big fat lie," Amara sneered, her voice muffled by her pillow. "Anyhow, what are you doing here?" 

"Didn't want to be alone in my room," Rose shrugged. "Do you wanna go for ice cream? That place in town is good and we haven't been there in forever." 

"It's freezing outside and you want me to walk all the way to the other side of town for ice cream?" Amara asked in disbelief, sitting up right in her bed and grabbing onto Rose's hands. "What's going on, Ro? You're acting odd." 

"What? Of course I'm not," Rose laughed, not meeting her cousin's eye. 

"Go on," Amara insisted, smiling sweetly at Rose. "Tell me what is it." 

"It's nothing, Ames, I mean it," Rose lied, clearing her throat. 

"Alright," Amara sighed. "You'll talk when you're ready." 

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As it turns out, Rose didn't talk as soon as Amara would've liked her to. Instead, days went by and Rose was quiet and careful on the topics she spoke about. Even if Avalon went on and on about the parting party, Rose simply said it was fun, but nothing else. 

"It's Christmas's eve tomorrow," Seraphina said cheerfully as the family, except for her husband, sat around the breakfast table. "It was a real shame that your brother couldn't join us this year, Rose." 

Rose looked up, smiling at her aunt sweetly. "It truly was a shame, but I will try to convince him to come with me next time, Aunt Seraphina." 

"It'll be a pleasure to have him," smiled Seraphina, switching her gaze over to her children. "Today I have to run some errands in Diagon Alley, if you fancy, I could take you three with me-" 

"Thank you, mother," Avalon interrupted, earning a hard glare from his mother. "But we've got something planned today." 

"Oh, really?" Seraphina asked, intrigued. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now