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You are allowed to change 

your mind about people

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Rose, Lee, George, and Fred were all lounging on the Gryffindor common room peacefully, a saturday of the month of October. Halloween was around the corner, but the first Hogsmeade visit was closer for the four prankster Gryffindors.   

Rose had decided to forgive Fred, but neither he or she had spoken about the fight. Instead, they decided to keep on with their days as usual, as if Rose had never snogged Adrian and as if Fred had never yelled at her for it. 

The group was waiting for Percy to finally tell them that they were allowed to start to form the line to join the carriages, but Percy kept saying that it was still early for the village. 

"Is it time yet?" Fred asked as he bounced his right leg up and down, he was twirling his wand in his hands. 

Rose looked up from the book she was reading to Percy who finishing homework, apparently it still wasn't time. "Nope," She said, going back to her reading. 

"How do you know?" 

Rose looked around, making sure no one was watching. She curled up a piece of parchment into a ball, an used her elemental to make it fly up to Percy and hit him straight in the head. He snapped his head towards them, his glare softening as he saw the charming smile Rose was wearing.

"I think Percy's face says enough," Grinned Rose. Fred groaned and went back to playing with his wand. 

Ten minutes later, Rose was growing inpatient. She could no longer concentrate on the words written on her page. She was cracking her knuckles loudly and her leg was bouncing up and down too. Percy, finally gave in. 

The group of Gryffindors ran out of the common room, jumping on the moving staircase and stumbling down the corridors. On the courtyard, students were starting to form a line near Filch the caretaker. Rose, George, Lee, and Fred followed them, and showed their signed papers to the caretaker. He wasn't keen on letting them go to the village, since he reckoned they were up to trouble, but there wasn't much he could do anyways. 

They decided that instead of taking the carriages, they would walk down to path. 

"Where do you want to go first?" Fred asked the group. 

"The three broomsticks!" Rose said without missing a beat. George and Lee laughed and Fred gave her a confused look. 

"How'd you know about the three broomstick?" Fred asked. 

"Charlie said that they had the best food there." Rose answered. 

"The three broomsticks it is!" Fred nodded as they arrived to the main road of the village. 

As they entered the pub, Rose was amazed by the number of students were gathered there. She saw mostly Hufflepuffs, but she recognized some Ravenclaws and some Slytherins she had met at the party. 

Fred, George, Lee, and Rose went to sit in a booth that was far in the corner, that way they would see everyone in the pub, but no one would see them. As Rose sat down next to Fred, she noticed the people who were sitting in the table besides them. 

There were four blokes, and three girls, Rose knew their names perfectly. Adrian Pucey, Molly Darcy, Blair Ross, Cassius Warrington, Graham Montague, and Grace Daughtry. Lucky for Rose, they hadn't seen her yet, which meant that they wouldn't feel the need to talk to her, especially Molly. 

As Rose looked back to her own table, she noticed that George was no longer sitting with them. "Where's George?" She asked. 

"He went for drinks, didn't you hear?" Lee responded, examining Rose's face with caution. 

"No, sorry, I was thinking about something else." She responded as she began twirling her fingers under the table. The laughter of the table besides them was getting louder, but Rose paid them no mind, and hoped they wouldn't look her way. 

George soon came back with the drinks, he got butterbeer for all of them. The boys began talking about quidditch, and in any other time Rose would've joined, but she felt anxious and didn't want someone to recognize her voice. 

However, it seemed as if her efforts were in vein when she heard someone from the table exclaim loudly, "Look, Blair, it's Rose!" 

Rose winced involuntarily and faked being invested in the conversation her friends were holding. Her plans, were once more worthless since Grace, Blair, Cass, and Adrian had stood up and walked towards Rose's table. The boys glared hard at them once they saw them approaching. 

"What the bloody hell do they want?" Lee asked in a hushed voice. 

"Rose!" Grace said the minute the four Slytherins reached the table, she dove down to pull Rose up in a tight hug. "Where have you been? You haven't come back ever since the welcoming party!" 

"Er, i've been a little busy." Rose lied as she smiled at the blonde girl. 

"You could've at least say hello on the corridors." Cassius said as he hugged Rose too, the Gryffindor boys glaring at him. 

"Sorry," Rose mumbled, a little embarrassed that she hadn't even done that. 

"'S alright!" Blair said as she waved off Rose's apology. Rose eyes flickered to Adrian, who at that moment looked back at her. Their eyes met, Rose was supposed to feel nothing, but that's not what happened. Rose felt a pang of guilt, and she felt small flickers of butterflies on her stomach. She averted her gaze, she knew she wasn't supposed to feel anything for him, she knew that it wasn't right, he didn't know her, and she didn't want him too. 

"Anyhow!" Cassius said loudly as he saw Rose's and Adrian's small non-existent interaction. "They'll be a Ravenclaw Halloween party in a couple of days, you should come, Ro." 

"I would love to," Rose said, she looked behind her at Fred, George, and Lee. She turned back to Cassius. "But can my friends come?" She pointed behind her. 

"Ro, you don't have to-" Fred began but George and Lee shushed him. 

"Shut it, mate!" 

"Weasleys and Jordan?" Cassiuss asked, Rose nodded. "Yeah, sure. See y'all there!"  

Before Rose knew it, they were walking away, all except for Adrian. He was still standing there, debating whether to talk to her or not. He decided on the latter, and turned to walk away. 

"Wait, Adrian!" Rose began. Adrian turned around, his eyes full of hope. "Nothing," Rose whispered. He gave her a half-smile and walked away. 

Rose knew nothing could happen between them, nothing at all. She's supposed to fall for Fred, she knew that. She had begun to fancy Fred a couple months back, but everything felt different now, she felt different. 


A/N: Sorry, filler chapter... Better chapters will come, that's a promise!

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora