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You aren't a bad person, 

for the ways you tried to kill your sadness. 

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TW: Mentions of death. 

"Come on, Rosie, get up," Amara begged as she rubbed her cousin's back, the latter was lying wide awake under the duvet face down. 

"I don't wanna, Amara, leave it alone," Rose groaned, burying herself deeper into her pillow.

"You can't be in bed all day, it isn't healthy!" Amara protested, trying to convince her cousin to at least eat something. 

"Don't care!" Rose said finally. 

Amara sighed and looked over at Rose's side table, there were a couple of books, a cup filled with water and an uneaten sandwich that Amara had brought at lunch. Ever since the day before, Rose hadn't eaten anything, she had lied in her bed, face down and with her eyes damp. Amara hadn't heard her cry, but she knew she had. Rose hadn't sleep either, Amara noticed how she had sat on her bed all night when she thought everyone was asleep. Angelina and Alicia had asked what was wrong with her, but Amara had simply told them that Rose wasn't feeling well and that it must've been something that she had ate. 

Amara first heard the new about Rose and Adrian when Avalon came rushing over to the Fat Lady's portrait, begging her to let him in. The Fat Lady denied, but he had made so much noise that people inside the common room had heard him. Lucky for him, it was Percy Weasley the one who found him, so Percy had gone to fetch Amara for him. When Avalon had finished explaining what Adrian had told him, Amara herself felt devastated, no wonder Rose had come into the bedroom and headed over to the shower without even looking at Amara. 

Avalon even asked if he could talk to Rose, since he was worried for his cousin, but Amara had told him that she wasn't talking to anyone and that perhaps it would be better to give her a little time. 

But the worse, were the Weasley twins. The morning after Adrian ended things with Rose, they had called for her up the girl's staircase, obviously not knowing what had gone down the night before, it wasn't until Amara threatened to hex them into next year, that they left for breakfast. But they came back before lunch, they once again asked for Rose, but Amara lied and told them that she was taking a bath which could take some time. They seemed to buy that, but they came back before dinner. Amara had run out of excuses that the twins would believe, so she told them that she was sleeping, they didn't believe her, but she gave them no option but to walk away since the boys couldn't go up the girl's staircase. 

In reality, Rose had been wide awake ever since Adrian ended things with her. She didn't want to sleep, terrified of what she would see once she closed her eyes. She had nightmares before she had met Adrian, but somehow she stopped having them most nights after they became friends. Rose had always thought that she stopped having nightmares because she felt safe in the Gryffindor tower, and that it had been the Weasley family that stopped her from having those awful dreams, but now, sitting in the darkness, she was afraid that she had been wrong all along. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now