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you hurt me and you know it

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Rose Potter was a patient girl. Well, not really. She hated waiting. But at this moment, as she sat in the middle of the Gryffindor Common Room with her silky legs draped over the love seat and her cheeks flushed due to startling fire before her, she could wait an eternity.

She didn't want to fight Fred in the middle of the Common Room, but she couldn't help herself. The common room was vacant because it was a Saturday and a beautiful day outside. She expected everyone to be out in the grounds or by the lake, soaking in the last of Scotland's pleasant weather before heading back inside for the rest of the term.

She waited with a bleeding heart until she heard the shuffling of footsteps outside the common room's portrait; she heard a voice muttered the password and she smelled his scent before he even stepped inside.

Fred eventually entered the room, followed by George. They both froze when they saw her; George's eyes were filled with pity, while Fred's were filled with cold-drenching terror.

"Would you mind leaving us alone, Georgie?" Rose inquired, her gaze fixed on Fred's pallid face. George clapped Fred on the shoulder and muttered a quiet 'Good luck!' before crossing the common room and ascending the boy's staircase.

"You hexed me," Fred stated once George was gone; his eyes were betrayed.

"You insulted me," Rose countered, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at her boyfriend with all her might. "Reckon it makes us even." 

Fred glared even harder. "Where have you been?" he demanded, crossing his arms just like her and standing tall. "I looked for you everywhere; you weren't on the Marauder's Map."

"I was with my cousin," Rose told him, feeling the earlier tingling back in her fingers. "He's not very happy with you right now."

"Yes, well, he's not my favourite person either," Fred said coolly, his gaze hardening as he learned where she had been.

"Why were you with Angelina, Fred?" Rose asked, she heard his heartbeat raise at the mention of her name.

"We were flying-"

"You're lying," she said. It wasn't a question, it a statement; she knew he was lying to her. "Fred, why are you lying?!" Her voice was no longer firm and cold; it quivered.

"Rose, I am not lying to you, Merlin's tits," Fred huffed, passing a hand through his hair as he moved closer to her. "I'm not the one who lies all the bloody time!"

"This again?" Rose laughed humourlessly, getting close to his face as she raised her trembling voice. "Really, Weasley? Classy."  

"I didn't mean-"

"You said the shittiest things to me!" Rose boomed, her eyes stared to sting, and her heartbeat was thundering against her rib cage. "You knew what you were doing and you knew it would hurt me, but somehow that didn't stop you!"

"Well, I didn't say anything that wasn't true, did I?" Fred hissed, his anger bubbling when she bared her teeth. "You did all of the things I said you did!"

"You do not get to throw my past in my face, Fred Weasley, I know what I did!" Rose snapped, the ache in her fingers had gone up to her sparking hair; she could feel the magic all around her.

"You know," Fred muttered, his voice hoarse. "You and Harry always seem to get away with everything. I reckoned it was just my imagination, but I knew it wasn't when you helped Sirius Black escape."

"You know why I did that," Rose whispered, her eyes were no longer holding the tears in; they were falling freely down her face. The fireplace was growing brighter and brighter. 

"I do," Fred nodded. "But sometimes I wonder if I really know you. Sometimes I think I do, but then you pull that kind of shit."

"What are you trying to say, Fred?" Rose gulped; her green eyes wouldn't leave Fred's face. They couldn't. She tried to absorb everything about him; knowing what he was about to say. She memorised every single freckle in his face, the scar in his left eyebrow, the light in his eyes, the freckle just beside his mouth. Everything.

The fire, instead of growing brighter, it grew dimmer. So low, eventually, it went out completely. 

"I don't know if I can do this if I don't know you, Rose," Fred breathed, and Rose finally saw a tear slip from his face. "I don't want to fight. I don't know what I want. I know you're tired of hearing that, but I don't. I didn't ask you to be my girlfriend to fight with you all the bloody time. I-"

"No, stop," Rose choked back a sob. "Not yet, Fred. Not yet."

Fred's sniffed and wiped his tears, staring down at her with the most heartbreaking pain Rose had ever seen in his eyes. She begged her lucky stars that they didn't break up. Yes, he made her feel awful. But he was her best friend. She didn't want to leave him.

Fred nodded, cupping her cheek. "Not yet, then."

He walked past her and up the boy's staircase, he didn't kiss her goodbye; he just walked away. Rose let out a cry, letting herself fall over her knees and hugged herself on the floor. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu