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She sees the beauty in 

everything but herself.

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Rose and Remus arrived at an old shack near the woods somewhere in Sheffield. Rose's once waist-length hair was cropped all the up her shoulder blades, it was as messy as every, but Rose felt somewhat at ease. 

"It's lovely here, Remus." Rose sighed as the mist blew through her hair.

"It's old," Remus said as he walked up to the door with Rose trailing behind. "It's worn-down, but it's all I have." 

"I think there's beauty in everything, even in old worn-down shacks." Rose chirped, stroking one of the wooden pillars. 

"Sometime you sound just like your mother," Remus said thoughtfully. "Although most of the time you remind me of James." 

"Thank you?" Rose laughed. "I suppose?" 

"It was meant as a compliment," Remus said, letting himself and Rose inside the shack. "Your father was my best friend. He was the funniest person I knew." 

Rose smiled fondly, passing her hand through the counter and gathering the dust in her fingers. She quirked up and eyebrow at Remus, "You do know there are spells to keep one's house tidy, right?" 

"I know," Remus grinned. "I just can never seem to remember them, I was never one for householdy spells." 

"How do you do your laundry then?" Rose asked, furrowing her eyebrows. 

"You don't want to know." Remus chuckled, Rose gave a quiet laugh too. 

Rose kept walking around, stumbling occasionally with some book or a piece of parchment that was layered on the floor. She walked up to a bookcase and noticed a moving picture on it. 

There were seven teenager on moving inside the frame, they must've been around their sixth year. Four boys and three girls. One of the blokes had the messiest hair Rose had ever seen, it stuck up in all directions and he wore a pair of specks before his hazel eyes, Rose smiled fondly at him. Besides him there was a girl with long red hair and bright green eyes, if Rose didn't know better, she would've thought it was herself in that picture. Rose recognized a younger, less scarred, and much more energized version of Remus, there was a boy with grey eyes and beautiful black hair which seemed vaguely familiar to Rose, there was also a much shorter and rat-like man his eyes were watery but he seemed happy enough to be on the picture. One of the other girls had curly blonde hair with greenish eyes, she sticking out her tongue at the camera. The last girl had dark skin, paired with a huge smile and an amazing brown hair. 

"Remus?" Rose spoke quietly. "Who are they?" She pointed at the people who she didn't recognized in the picture. 

"Do you not recognize them?" Remus asked, somewhat amazed. 

"That's dad," Rose pointed at the boy with the specks, "that's mum," she pointed at the red-head. "I reckon that's you," she pointed to the boys with a scar across the bridge of his nose. "But who are the rest of them? Where they old friends of mum and dad?" 

"Yes," Remus said, his smile was one of longing. "Those girls are Marlene McKinnon and Dorcas Meadowes." He pointed to to the blonde girl first, and then pointed to the girl that was beside her. 

"Marlene McKinnon," Rose whispered under her breath. "Have I heard that name before?" 

"I'm impressed, Rose." Remus sighed. "I really am." 


"Because you've met Marlene," Remus informed the girl. "When you were born, Lily was the one who chose your godparents. Lily chose me as your godfather and Marlene as your godmother."

Rose gasped quietly, she felt a smile come to her lips. "Really? Where is she? When can I meet her? Does she live far from here? Can we go looking for her, Uncle Remus?" 

Remus smiled sadly at Rose, he took her always-warm hands in his cold ones and spoke, "Rosie, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Marlene McKinnon died on July 13th 1981. Her whole family was murdered by Voldemort and his Death Eaters." 

Rose shrieked at the name, she had learned to fear it and had never heard it come from someone's mouth apart from Dumbledore's. But that wasn't what was concerning Rose at the moment. 

"Marlene died on the day before my birthday?" Rose asked, her eyebrows were furrowed and her eyes were ice blue. 

"Unfortunately," Remus sighed sadly. 

"What about the others? Dorcas Meadowes and the other two blokes, did they die as well?" 

Remus thought about her question for a long minute, then he spoke. "Yes, they all died in the first wizarding war." He lied. 

Rose stared at the picture with grief, Lily and James seemed to be having the time of their lives in Hogwarts. "I am so sorry you lost everyone, Remus." 

"I am sorry, too." Remus said, staring as Rose stroked the picture fondly. 'She's so like James', thought Remus. 'Yet she looks so much like Lily.' 

"Would you show me where i'm sleeping, please?" Rose asked, taking her eyes away from the picture. 

"Of course." 

Remus guided Rose to a small bedroom. It was one bedroom and one closet only. The sheets and the room were clean. Remus left the room after showing her where the bathroom was, in order for Rose to change into something more comfortable. 

As Rose rummaged through the almost empty closet, she found a letter addressed to James Potter in one of the drawers. Rose, filled with curiosity, snatched the letter from the wooden drawer and opened it cautiously. It read; 

Dear James

It's been three years since you were taken away, but I still miss you and Lily every day. I haven't given up on Rose, I promise I never will. 

I haven't spoken to Sirius since it happened. I thought I could trust him, but now thanks to him I feel like there's no one here I can call my friends anymore. He took away my family

I don't know how much I can take. Each months gets worse without all of you here to help me through it. 

James if you're there please send me a sign to tell me it will all get better. I can hear your voice in my head telling me brighter days are ahead, but how can I trust anything anymore? 

I miss you James, 

Love Remus

Rose hadn't noticed the tears that were falling freely down her cheeks, until a broke sob escaped her lips. Her hair, which was usually white whenever she heard anything about her parents, was a stormy shade of grey. She was finally feeling the sadness, she was finally feeling. 

Remus, who's hearing was immaculate because of his Lupin senses, heard Rose's cries and broke into her room. As he entered, he saw Rose clutching a letter on her hand, biting her lip so much that she was drawing blood, and her cheeks were soaked with tears. He comprehended immediately. 

"Oh, Rose." Remus cried sadly, he sat on the floor besides her, hugging her close as she sobbed uncontrollably. 

"It hurts, Moony!" The poor girl cried, she had never felt such a sting. "It hurts too much! I want them back! I want my mum and dad back!" 

"You're gonna be fine." Remus tried to console the young girl, but there were tears streaming down his cheeks too. 

"I want it to stop!" Rose sobbed. "I want the hurt to stop, please! Please make it stop!" 

"I can't." Remus cried along her. "I'm sorry." 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now