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She knows more

than he ever will...

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Rose's Pov:

"Rose!" I heard a scream in the distance. 

"Rose!" The scream was louder this time. I opened my eyes to see that both Angelina and Alicia had woken up as well and were glaring my way. 

"Who's that?" Alicia asked. I liked Alicia, she was nice.

"Dunno." I shrugged. I headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and face. I changed into a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved tee, I left the bathroom. 

"You should go check, Rose. They were yelling for you." Angelina said from where she was trying to fall back asleep. Unlike Alicia, Angelina was a little harder to come around. But we were all getting along just fine, well except for Amara who by the way was not in the dormitory.  I walked down the stairs, and sure enough two redheads were attempting to climb up the stairs. 

"Stop!" I yelled at them. They were both about to put a foot in the staircase. 

"Stay where you are!"  I warned them. They both froze in place, confused. I descended the stairs and grinned at them both who were still eyeing me sceptically.

"By all means, try and climb the staircase." I told them, a cheeky grin on my face.

"But you said-" George started.

"- that we had to stop?" Fred ended. 

"Yes well. Please, don't let me stop you." I told them, smirking. They looked at each other confused but nevertheless, they attempted to climb the staircase.

 As soon as their feet touched the second step, it turned into a slide and they both went tumbling down. I laughed like a maniac, and I realized that Lee was standing behind me when he started cracking up as well. Over by the table, Percy was shaking his head disapprovingly while Oliver Wood laughed to himself. Charlie just came down from the staircase and was watching his brothers in confusion, as they groaned and complained over how they broke their ribs. As soon as Charlie saw me there, understandment rushed to his face. 

"What was that?" Fred said while getting up from the floor.  

"That was mental!" George exclaimed. Charlie walked over me and extended his hand. I stared at him in confusion. 

"Miss Rose Lightbourn, please accept my hand for a quick demonstration." Charlie said. I quickly understood, and holded his extended hand. Charlie guided me to the boys' staircase and walked ahead of me. 

"Wait, Rose!" Fred exclaimed as I stepped over the first step. I went up until the fourth step and grinned at the twins and Lee. I began to laugh again at their faces. 

"Why is it not a slide?!" Fred asked his older brother. 

"That is because the founders believed that the girls were far more trustworthy then boys." I told Fred. 

"Thats-!" Fred began but George quickly cut him off. 

"Fair." He grinned. 

"So let me get this straight." Fred said while looking at me. "You knew what would happen if we climbed the staircase, so you descended first and had us tumble down like idiots?" 

"Yup!" I replied. 

"That's-" George began.

"Amazing!" Fred ended. He rushed over to hug me, with George not far behind. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now