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I miss how interested you were in me

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Fred Weasley wasn't an angry person; in fact, he was the complete opposite! He was the happiest person he knew in all of England. But the more he eavesdropped on the Order meeting the more angry he got. He couldn't believe Rose, of all people, was allowed at the meeting and he was not. And, the worst part, was that she had a new boyfriend and it was Adrian Fucking Pucey. 

He could feel his brothers and sister stare at him as they listen to Rose's voice inside the meeting, pledging her magic to the order and asking Dumbledore to not put Pucey in danger.

Git, Fred thought, should've been expelled from Hogwarts, the bloody maniac.

When the meeting was over, Fred had finally had enough. He could hear everyone filling out into the corridor so he would intercept them. 

"Where are you going?" George, ever the pacifist, intercepted him, griping his arm lightly. "We aren't allowed down there."

"Where do you think I'm going?" Fred snapped back, tearing his arm from his brother's grip. "I'm going to talk to Rose!"

"No, you're not!" Ginny, who was now standing before Fred, said. "Leave her alone!"

"You both know I can't do that," Fred confessed, hurt and annoyed. "I need to speak to her."

"Fine," Ginny sighed, stepping out of her brother's way. "Just don't make her cry."

Fred scoffed and hurried down the stairs when he caught a glimpse of shimmering red hair just about to walk out the door.

"ROSE!" He yelled out, not caring if he disturbed any of the portrayed.


He still didn't care; she turned to face him and his heart ached at the mixture of emotions that ran through her face at the sight of him. His breath caught in his throat; she looked beautiful with her hair combed and makeup in place.

"Come on, Rose," Pucey, who was besides Rose, said as he held onto her hand and tried to pull her out the door.

"Rose, wait!" Fred yelled again, seeing the hesitation in her eyes as she turned from him to Pucey. "Please!"

"Fine," she answered, pulling Adrian beside her and reaching up to whisper something in his ear. Fred saw how Pucey's expression turned sour before he nodded and went out the door. Rose stayed, waiting patiently by the door for him.

Fred took the clue and walked the remaining flightsof stairs towards Rose. When he was finally in front of her he pulled her infor a hug and gasped as she pushed him back almost instantly. 

"Rose, what-"

"Still need space," she explained, pulling out a vial of something from her robes and swallowing it whole before looking back up at him with a guarded expression in her eyes. "What do you need?"

"I – I just wanted to talk to you," Fred stammered, all the sudden so very confused of the situation he had stepped into. "About the meeting and all that."

"That's all?" Rose asked, rolling her eyes. Fred wanted to yell at her to not roll her eyes, but kept his mouth shut. "Look, Fred, I have to go home-"

"Right," Fred interrupted her, his anger finally coming back to him. "With fucking Pucey out of all people."

He instantly knew he had fucked up, her eyes lit up with a fire he hadn't seen in a long time and she clenched her jaw, as if ready to attack him.

"Do not say a bad word about him," she hissed at him, pronouncing each word carefully. "He's on our side."

"You expect me to believe that?" Fred scoffed, using his height over her to his advantage. The small girl didn't back down. "Tell me something, Rosie, how many times did you have to shag him for you to convince him to join our side?"

White hot pain erupted from where she struck him in his left cheek. Her eyes blazing and her hand was still raised from the slap.

"How fucking dare you, Fred Weasley?!" She screamed, rage sweeping out of her in waves. "Do not ever speak to me like that again!"

"What, is your Slytherin boyfriend more important to you now than us? Than your friends?"

"Don't you dare imply that my relationship is more important than my friendships," Rose pointed a finger at his face.

"Isn't it tho?! We never see you anymore! You don't care!"

"That's not true!"

"You're not the person I knew back then, Rose, you never will be again," Fred yelled back at her. "What the fuck happened to you?!"

"War fucking happened, Fred!" She snapped, tears welling up in her eyes. It hurt Fred to see her cry, but it hurt more to know she was with someone else. "War happened," she repeated, quieter this time.

Fred recoiled, and, without saying another word, Rose turned on her feet and walked out the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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