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What is it that 

makes you so anxious?

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"Harry I don't have to leave, I can stay here," Rose Potter told her brother as she cupped his face in her hands. 

"I'm fine, Rose, you go on," Harry assured his sister, taking her hand and stroking her knuckles gently.  

Rose took a deep breath and nodded, she was due to leave to London soon, but she couldn't make herself to leave if it meant leaving Harry alone, again. She had talked to him about being a parselmouth, but he had claimed that he didn't know anything about it. She believed him, but the rest of the school was wary of him, especially the Hufflepuffs. 

Rose had talked to Annie, but she said that she rather stay away from Harry until the situation had calmed down, Annie had even advised Rose for her to stop talking to him, considering she was a muggle-born herself.  Besides, a few days after the snake incident, Justin Finch-Finchley was found petrified in a corridor with Nearly Headless Nick, which resulted on Harry being called 'The Heir of Slytherin'. 

Harry had begged  Rose to believe him, which she did, she would never doubt her brother's word, but it was hard to not be tempted to question him with all the rumors flying around Hogwarts. 

Rose, Harry, George, Ron, Lee, and Fred were standing in the entrance of the castle. Rose had her trunk in her hand, with her bag draped around her shoulder. 

"OK, then, I'll see you after christmas," Rose said, leaning down to plant a sweet kiss on Harry's cheek. He nodded, smiling up at her.  

"Don't worry, Ro, we'll be here to watch out for him," Lee assured the eldest Potter. She sighed and moved to hug Lee, he hugged her back before she moved to hug the Weasleys. 

"Get going, Ro, or you'll be late," George added. She nodded her head with a grin, she kissed Harry's and Ron's head one more time before she ran down to the station at Hogsmeade. 

Besides the train, with bored expressions on their faces, Amara and Avalon were patiently waiting for their cousin to arrive. She got to the station five minutes before the train was due to leave, she was panting hard but smiling brightly. 

"Finally!" Amara exclaimed, throwing up her arms. "You took forever!" 

"I didn't take that long!" Rose rolled her eyes as she passed her trunk over to Avalon who was holding out his arm to help her with her trunk. 

"Tell that to the grey hair growing out of my scalp," Avalon muttered, receiving a smack over the head from his cousin. 

The trio found an empty compartment as soon as they boarded the train, which was an odd occurrence due to the fact that the Hogwarts Express was nearly always full. Rose sat closest to the window, with Amara and Avalon in front of her. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now