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Do not 

tell her 

what she 

can and 

cannot do

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Throughout the week, the rumors about Rose Potter were growing stronger. No one suspected Rose Lightbourn, but there was really no one else they could think off, the only other redhead in their year was a girl named Stella Michaels in Ravenclaw, but she had claimed several times that she was the carbon copy of Mrs. Michaels, so obviously she was out of the question. 

Everyone in Gryffindor was extremely protective of Rose whenever someone insinuated that she was Rose Potter, which she was, but not many people knew that. 

"She has the same name!" A few Ravenclaws had claimed one morning. 

"Yeah, well, no idiot would let her keep the same name if they wanted to hide her!" Percy Weasley or Oliver Wood would tell everyone until they would leave Rose alone. 

For Rose, it was another story. She had received a letter from Seraphina Morgenstern every day of the week, each with a different question. Seraphina had asked for her favourite flower, favourite colour, favourite drink, favourite fruit, favourite classical song, and Seraphina had claimed that she still had much more questions to ask. 

Amara and Avalon told her that their mother was planning Rose's reintegration event, and that she wanted it to be perfect, which was the reason Seraphina had been asking Rose so many questions. Adrian merely laughed about how shocked Rose was about the preparations for a pureblood party, he had offered to help her, which he did, but eventually he would dissolve into a fit of laughter at the faces Rose was pulling when she had read Seraphina's letters. 

Rose hadn't responded to everything, she had said her favourite flowers were lilies, for her mum, her favourite colour was either red or black, she told her aunt that her favourite drink was butterbeer, but she hadn't chosen a favourite fruit or a favourite classical song. Instead, she had asked Amara and Avalon to answer those because she had no idea in either of them. 

Amara had wrote 'pumpkin pasties' where she was supposed to write a fruit. 

"It had fruit in them!" Amara had argued when Rose had pointed it out. Rose couldn't really argue with that, so she went with pumpkin pasties. 

Avalon had chosen a very calm song, which Rose had to admit, sounded amazing. 

Adrian had pointed out that Rose's favourite colour wasn't red or black, he knew it was green. When Avalon and Amara learned this, they teased her merciless about it, Avalon claimed that it was because she had been spending a lot of time with Slytherins, Amara followed his theory. But Adrian knew exactly why she liked green so much, even before he knew that she was Rose Potter she had prefered green over any colour, but it was controversial for her to say so since she adored the exact same shade of Slytherin green. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now