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Man oh man 

you're my best friend

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"Do you have to go?" Fred whined as he clutched Rose in a bone-crushing hug. 

"Yes, Fred, i do. We've been over this for the past week!" She said as she hugged him tightly. 

"But it isn't fair!" He continued to whine. George, Ron, Lee, Annie, and Harry were snickering behind his back. "We've never been apart on christmas!" 

"We've only spent christmas together the last two years." Rose laughed. 

"So?" Fred exclaimed. "That was more than enough time for me to grow used to you being there all the time! Why can't mum and dad take us to Romania too?" 

"You do know that it isn't your parents the ones taking me to Romania, right? It's Charlie."

"Bloody Charlie!" Murmured Fred darkly. "So much for being my favourite brother." 

"OI!" George and Ron yelled from where they were standing. 

"Just move apart, Fred." Snapped Percy, who had been standing there all along. "You've been hogging Rose for over ten minutes!"

"Well then you can wait one more." Fred countered. 

"Get off!" Percy said, dragging him away from Rose by his collar. 

Rose laughed. She turned her eyes towards Lee and George, she opened her arms. George and Lee crashed into her arms, hugging her closely as if not wanting to ever let go. She hugged them just as tight, swaying slightly on the spot. 

"We'll miss you, Ro." Lee whispered. 

"Yeah, we'll miss you loads, Rainbow-eyes." George said. Rose chuckled, she pulled back from their hug and kissed both their cheeks, the doing the same to her. 

Rose turned to Harry next, she smiled half-heartedly at him and pulled him for a hug tightly. 

"Take care of yourself, alright?" She whispered in his ear, she was well aware of Annie staring at them in confusion. "Don't go off trying to find trolls or hidden three-headed dogs." 

"I promise." Harry whispered back with a small laugh. 

When they pulled back, Annie had a questioning look on her face. Rose made up a quick lie. "Team spirit, we are all very close on the Gryffindor team, Anne. Please stop staring." 

Annie seemed even more confused, but seemed to had bought the lie. 

Rose then hugged Ron tightly, whispering how she would bring something back from Romania for him. She pulled back from him, ruffling his hair and grinning from ear to ear. 

"So," Rose began to say as she crossed her arms over her chest. "This is goodbye to you then." Her friends, and her brother, nodded solemnly. She gave them one last smile before turning on her heel and stalking away with her medium size trunk on her hand. 

She walked to carriages alone and shared it with some third year Ravenclaws who didn't mind Rose joining them on the ride towards the Hogwarts Express.  

Once she got to the train, she sat in an empty compartment at the very end of the train. She got out her Arithmancy book and started doing some missing homework she had. After an hour, a person joined her at her compartment. Rose looked up, a faint smile slipped onto her lips as she made eye contact with a certain slytherin boy. 

"Mind if I join you?" Adrian asked Rose. 

"Not at all." She smiled, nodding at the seat before her. 

"What you working on?" He asked casually, his brown hair was framing his face and the light that came in from the window made it seem golden. 

"Arithmancy homework." Rose mumbled, shaking her head a little in order to get Adrian's hair out of her mind. "Have you done it yet?" 

"I finished it yesterday." He informed her. Even if he was a year older that Rose, the Slytherin had fallen behind in most of his lessons, which meant that he was taking those lessons with the younger years. Rose had proved that she was good enough for Arithmancy, so of course they were taking the same Arithmancy class with the same homework left. "What are you missing?" 

"I can't get the heart beat calculations right, for some reason." Rose muttered as she failed once more on obtaining the correct answer. 

Adrian sat besides her, he eyed her work before stepping in and taking her pencil. 

"You have to use the Agrippan method," Adrian said as he tutted with his fingers. "You are you using the wrong method, Professor said we could only use the Calioman method when the numbers are uneven in total." 

Rose and Adrian reviewed their homework together, mostly Rose's homework since Adrian was done with his. They talked about different things over the journey to London, both students purposely avoiding talking about anything party related. 

Once they finally arrived at the station, they said their goodbyes and Adrian promised to send Rose a gift over the holidays. To which she said she didn't need one, he ignored her comment though and insisted on getting her a christmas present. 

Rose grabbed her trunk but before she could set off to look for Charlie, she bumped into Cedric Diggory. He told her that he hoped that the dare they had done in the welcoming party had destroyed their friendship since they hadn't talked much after that, merely nodding at each other on the corridors. Rose assured Cedric that everything was perfect between them, and that she might accept his invitation for diner again sometime. 

Eventually, the third-year Gryffindor was allowed to look for the dragon tamer with bright ginger hair. It didn't take long for Rose to find him, since he stood tall and his hair clashed amongst the other wizards and witches at the station. 

The moment Rose saw Charlie, she ran towards him and crashed her body into his, wrapping her thin arms around his torso. Charlie was startled at first, but soon recovered and hugged the girl just as tight. 

"Merlin, look at you!" Charlie said as he twirled Rose in the spot. "You seem smarter!"

"Aren't you supposed to say I look taller?" Rose questioned with a smile on her face. 

"I would be lying if I said that, wouldn't I?" Charlie joked. 

"Oi!" Rose laughed as she swatted his arm. In reality, Rose had grown a few inches over the past months, not as much as the twins but at least she was a tad taller than Ron. 

"Should we set off then?" Charlie asked, holding out his hand for her. 

"We shall!" She grinned and took his hand and her trunk. Charlie apparated them both into what Rose figured was Romania. 

They arrived somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Only mountains, grasslands and what appeared to be a pond was visible to Rose, even as she tried to look past the faraway mountains, it seemed as if she was in this own little world. Suddenly, Rose saw something big and brown somewhere near some trees on the grassland. Rose gave out a gasp as she saw that it was a big beautiful dragon. 

Everywhere she looked, she could either see a dragon or see the silhouette of one. She also saw many wizards and witches. Most of them must've been on the early or mid twenties, but some of them were younger. Rose saw a boy who couldn't have been older than fifteen, he was kneeled over the pond, apparently talking to something only he could see. Rose also saw some girls who had to be around seventeen or just finished from whatever magical school they had attended to. 

Suddenly, the sanctuary for dragons didn't seem to work only for dragons in Rose's eyes.  

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now