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Hope you find peace for yourself,

New boyfriend ain't gon' fill the void

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"It was such a shame your brother couldn't be here this year, Rose," Jacob Morgenstern said the day the group had arrived at the Manor. Rose felt cold, the whole Manor felt unusually cold. Seraphina seemed sad whenever she looked into her children's eyes, Rose guessed she heard about what they had done to Fred, but the woman remained tight-lip.

If Rose was honest, she was almost sure that Jacob Morgenstern would never be even remotely aware of her presence if Seraphina didn't make it clear every time Rose walked into a room.

"Perhaps next year," she shrugged, taking a sip of her water and smiling politely. "He's got loads going on at the moment."

"Yes, I heard about the tournament," Mr. Morgenstern said, whipping his mouth with his napkin before turning his attention to his eldest son. "I am surprised you didn't write home to tell us, Avalon. Had to hear it from Lucius Malfoy at the Ministry. Wasn't the only thing I had to hear from someone else..."

"I apologize," Avalon nodded, putting up his pureblood voice that Rose noticed every pureblood had. "You can imagine we tried everything we could to stop it. Potter is only a child, after all. As for the other thing, we've already discussed it."

Jacob assessed his son, quirking his eyebrow at his comment but promptly ignoring it, "It is good you didn't stop it." 

"Pardon me, Uncle," Rose said, almost chocking on her spit. "You wouldn't want us to stop Harry being in the Tournament? Why?"

Jacob smiled uncomfortably at Rose, and she got the sense he was hiding something from her; from all of them. "He's doing well in the tournament, is he not?" he asked instead.

"Well, yes," Rose clarified, looking at Amara's confused eyes before going back to face Jacob. "But I am sure that doesn't mean he should be in it, does it?"

Jacob sighed and turned away from her, facing Avalon again. "I would like a word in my study, Avalon."


"Now would be good," Mr. Morgenstern cut him off, standing from his seat and expecting Avalon to do the same. Avalon nodded his head once and stood, giving Rose an assuring look. Jacob kissed his wife's head affectionally and walked away with Avalon right behind him.

Rose fixed her stare at the corner in which they had disappeared and only turned her head back when she heard Seraphina clear her throat. "Of course we didn't want Harry to compete, love," the raven-haired woman said. "But we are glad he's doing good in the tournament. I expect he's ready for the second task by now."

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now