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I have found so much beauty in the Dark,

as I have found a lot of horrors in the Light.

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TW: Foul language and some sexual activity sighting? 


Dear Miss Potter,

I would like to see you in my office as soon as possible. Come alone. 

Greetings, Albus W. P. B. Dumbledore. 

PS: I enjoy chocolate frogs. 

It had been months after I used the obliviate charm on Fred and Pucey. I was no longer avoiding the boys, and instead I was spending time with them as I usually would. 

Of course Annie, Cedric, and Lee, became suspicious as to why I was back to normal. I shrugged it off and told them that I was overreacting. George just said that he was glad to have us back to normal. 

Now, we were only a few weeks away from ending term. I was excited about it, but a part of me didn't want to go home. To be perfectly honest, I don't know if I will even be welcomed there. I mean, of course my mother sent me a letter for christmas, but I don't think that she would be happy if I just showed up at her doorstep. 

The other part of me, did want to go back to Edale. I missed my parents. Now before you go bonker over my statement, allow me to elaborate. My parents aren't bad people. I mean, sure they beat up their kid, but they aren't totally messed up. They could've given me up, but they didn't. They raised me and fed me. They made sure I had a privileged education and a healthy life.  And they loved me. Even if it was mad and sick love, it was love at the end of the day

"What does the letter say?" George asked as he shoved a spoonful of soup in his mouth. Fred, Annie, Lee, George, and I were at the Great Hall having dinner with the rest of the school. We were also debating about our electives. 

"Something about Dumbledore." I murmured softly, dismissing George's questions. I leaned forward to the table to listen to the conversation happening between the rest of my friends. 

"I'm just saying," Annie started as she held her hands up in defeat. "If you three really want that joke shop, than maybe you should take three electives." 

Fred, George, and I have been talking about opening a joke shop once we leave Hogwarts. It was originally the twins idea, but they shared it with me because they said they needed their third part for business. 

"Enlighten me on this Anne," Fred spoke. "Why would I need Arithmancy to open a Joke Shop?"

"Because!" Annie huffed annoyed. "You are going to be starting a business, Fred! You need to learn how to handle numbers!" 

"That's why we have you for!" Fred cooed as he tapped Annie's nose. I snorted a laugh at my friends annoyed expression. 

Annie turned to look at me with a begging expression on her face. "At least tell me that you are choosing Arithmancy for an elective?"  

I smirked at the blonde Hufflepuff. "Sorry Anne, all those numbers are confusing." 

"You three are going to be the death of me! I just know it!" Annie murmured to herself as she stood from the table and walked towards her own house table. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now