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If you don't heal 

what hurt you, 

you'll bleed on 

people who didn't cut you.

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"Thank you for dinner Mrs. Diggory." I thanked the women as I said my goodbyes to the Diggory family. 

"It was my pleasure, dear. And please, call me Sophia." Mrs. Diggory said as she gave me one last embrace. Mrs. Diggory had been over the moon when she had seen me walk out of the fire place earlier that evening. Both the Diggory parents were extremely proud of their son, and they liked to show him off to anyone who would listen. I found it sweet, really. 

"I'll see you at school, yeah?" Cedric said as he drew me into an embrace. 

"Of course." I said softly as I smiled at him, taking myself out of the hug. I bidded everyone goodbye, giving Ced a cheeky grin, before I entered the fireplace and shouted 'The Burrow' while throwing Floo powder on the floor. 

"Rose! You're back!" Grinned Ron when he saw me step out of the fireplace. 

"How was dinner, dear?" Molly asked me as she entered the living room with her apron filled with flour. 

"Not nearly as good as yours!" I exclaimed as I greeted her with a hug.

Molly laughed at my words and kissed my cheek in a motherly form of affection, as she retreated back to the kitchen. 

"Rose?! Are you back?!" I heard George call from above the staircase. 

"No! I'm still at the Diggory's, Georgie!" I responded cheekily as my eyes turned green with my hair. 

"HA-HA!" The ginger boy exclaimed sarcastically as he came down the stairs with Lee in tow. "Very funny, Rose!" 

I grinned at the boy and looked around Lee, hoping to catch a glimpse of the older twin. Nevertheless, Fred wasn't with them. 

"Where's Fred?" George and Lee gave me an apologizing expression, I arched my eyebrow. 

"He's down by the pond." George said softly, but his gaze hardened once he spoke again. "Rose, you two really need to make up. This bloody fight is killing the both of you!" 

"It's not killing me." I interrupted while I avoided their eyes. 

"Whatever. Look I know you're stubborn, Fred is too, but you two are best friends for the love of Merlin! You spend half your day with Ron or Ginny because the tension between you and Fred is thick enough to cut with a knife!" George exclaimed, Lee nodding vigorously.      

"You're right." I mumbled. 

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" George said playfully as he cupped his ear, I glared at the boy. 

"I said you're right, George." I said a little louder. 

"Good, now get out of here and go look for him." Lee said as he ushered me to the door. 

"Wait!" I stopped as I got an idea. "I need something else." 

I fled to my bedroom and carried down my acoustic. I left the house and walked towards the pond with my instrument in hand. I inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. I cracked my knuckles, a habit I noticed I had developed once I was anxious about something. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now