Chapter 12: Aristoteles and The Forbidden Feast

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Earlier, Fuyuki Streets

Fuyuki City was much more interesting than Misaki Town, as much as it pained Arcueid to admit it.

Arcueid: Then again, I don't think anyone would fondly remember a town where they were cut into 17 pieces... Or even remember it in the first place? Hmm.

She was revisiting fond memories with a certain boy who could see the death of all things. Good times, although their meeting left less to be desired. 

She looked to the sky and was stunned to see that night had fallen in the midst of her reminiscing.

Arcueid: It's nighttime already... Is this what they call "losing track of time"? Does time have a track? Modernisms are so complicated sometimes. I should get back and make some tea... Oh?

She paused as she sensed a small trace of magecraft nearby. Normally, this wouldn't interest her, but she was rather bored at the moment. An adventure wouldn't hurt.

She walked towards what she was sensing. There were two magecraft sources. One sudden;y became stronger and overcame the other, and then the other simply disappeared.

Arcueid: It must've been a battle between magi. Maybe the Masters? Wouldn't hurt to watch.

She was walking on the sidewalk, and she could see a few police cars ahead. There were policemen carefully carrying children inside their cars.

Someone would have thought the worst based on how the previous was worded, but that was what she saw.

She passed an alleyway Someone was hiding behind a nearby object, and the trace of magecraft was at that same location.

She paused and looked up.

Arcueid: Well, that's an ugly sight.

...Something suddenly dropped on the ground. It was an abomination that would disgust anyone that saw it. 

She heard a young voice cry out in terror.

Arcueid: Alright, then.

Just as quick as it appeared, the creature was soundly eliminated.


Later, Nearby Park

Now Arcueid was in a dilemma.

She had rescued a little girl (Who was a novice magus, from the looks of it), but she had no idea what to do now. 

Arcueid: I guess I can wait for her to wake up? No, that happened with Shiki and he freaked out. I just can't leave her, though...

She knew there was this 911 thing that humans used for emergencies, but Arcueid Brunestud and technology were the worst matches possible.

She perked up. Someone was nearing their position.

???: Rin?! Rin!

Arcueid made sure to make a reasonable distance from the girl (Because "people would get the wrong idea", as she had learned). 

There was a woman that rushed into the park when she saw the girl. Arcueid guessed she was her parental figure or something akin to that.

With that, she quietly made her retreat... Until she conveniently stepped on a branch, making the woman turn to look at her.

Arcueid: Who put that there?... Er, hello! 

???: Who are you? What were you doing with Rin?

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