Chapter 2: MacGuffin Battle Royale 101

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Earlier, Fuyuki Church

Within the lone chapel residing on a hill of Fuyuki, another force in the war as at play. A middle-aged man was sipping a cup of wine as he struck a conversation with his colleague.

???: Kirei, how are the preparations doing?


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Said colleague was a man in his mid-20s who had an almost lifeless look on his eyes. He answered the question in a stoic tone.

???: Yes. Everything is in place. Assassin is ready.


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Tokiomi: Excellent. The only problem left is Archer. His pride is so untamed I am not certain he will agree to this little act. Then again, he is the most powerful Servant in this war, so that pride is well earned. Your thoughts, Kirei?

Kirei: As long as he is of use, then I do not have anything to offer.

Tokiomi: So you think that as well. Where is Risei, by the by?

Kirei: Father is currently signaling the summoning of all Servants in the war, as well as inspecting the incident at Mount Enzo.

Tokiomi: Ah, yes. That. 

Kirei: One of the Assassin's has also been deployed to inspect the damage and track the source.

Tokiomi: Hassan of The Hundred Faces. I don't believe there is a Servant best suited for the Assassin class. Perfect for collecting information as well. *sigh* Just what foolish Master would allow their Servant to destroy the resting place of the Greater Grail? I'm thankful that the most important section is intact, or else it would have been catastrophic.

Kirei didn't respond, but Tokiomi could tell that the executor was pondering this question as well.

Tokiomi: It seems there is a need to eradicate a few pests once our game is in motion.

Kirei nodded stoically. They soon perked up as a shadowy smoke manifested in the middle of the church. It dissipated, revealing a female figure. She had long purple hair, charcoal skin and although her frame was lithe, she boasted rock-hard muscles.

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