AV Chapter 5: Into The Night

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Nighttime, Sighisoara Streets

The Independent Servants had agreed to a temporal team-up with the Saber of Red and her Master to track down the rogue Assassin of Black.

It was fortunate that the streets were empty - save for a few drunken men who (Y/N) punched into a coma on a whim - and even the policemen didn't want the duty of remaining on the watch for a crazy serial killer.

After walking for approximately 10 minutes, (Y/N) grew bored.

(Y/N): ...Can we just blow up the town and call it a day? We'll kill them if we do that.

Mordred: Like hell we are.

(Y/N): Why won't they just come out already! I mean, we've got the poster boy for Harley Davidson-

Kairi: Is my look really that bad?

(Y/N): -a midget walking in armor that could be heard from a kilometer away-

Mordred: Quit it with that midget shit!

(Y/N): -the Best Boi, and THIS 12-feet tall absolute unit.

Tia: Aaaah...?

(Y/N): What part of that doesn't scream "I've painted a target the size of Texas on my back, come kill me already"?! 

Shinketsu: I dunno, cosplay's just taking off at these times. 

Fou: Fou!

He grumbled. Oh, he knew where the Assassin was. They had been tailed for the last 5 minutes or so, but that damn Assassin just wouldn't come out and let the fun start.

Mordred: ...Hold on. There's a mist forming.

Just as the Saber said, before they knew it, a mist broke out around them... even though the air was clear just moments ago. It was painfully obvious that it was the work of a Servant.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Who knows? Maybe it's just some random bystander using fog machines to make a grand entrance!

The instant that Shishigou tried to mutter something, the inside of his nose was struck by pain like scattering sparks. He reflexively coughed and covered his mouth.

Mordred: Master?!

Kairi: It's poison! Don't breathe, Saber!

(Y/N): And suddenly Hunger Games!

Kairi was the only one visibly affected by the poisonous mist. Mordred's helmet and Magic Resistance offered some respite, while (Y/N), Tiamat and Fou were simply too powerful for the mist to affect them.

He clearly sensed a presence perched on a rooftop behind them. The assassin gripped their blades, which had sipped the blood of countless people, and chanted.

???: Hell starts here. We are fire. We are rain. We are power. Let the slaughter start.

Judging by that chant, a Noble Phantasm was about to be released right at the start. Fitting for an Assassin, really. The question was, what kind of Noble Phantasm was it?

They jumped. Who were they aiming to kill first? Not Mordred, not Kairi, not (Y/N). 

???: Maria The Ripper!

The assassin crept up behind the goddess and stabbed her back with two small weapons, perhaps a pair of knives. (Y/N) only narrowed his eyes.

If it were anyone else, he would be more alert. But Tiamat, the primordial mother, lacked the concept of death. The attack was little more than a needle prick for the goddess, so much that she literally didn't feel it.

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