SN Chapter 2: 100% Maximum No Chill

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30 Minutes Later

(Y/N): Back in black~♪ I hit the sack~♪ I've been too long, I'm glad to be back~♪

He did a cute little dance as he crashed into the couch in the living room, never letting go of that perpetually smug/amused smile he always held.

(Y/N): Ah, Fuyuki City, it is good to be back! Say, what year is it?

Ayaka: 2004.

(Y/N): Fucking hell, 10 years?! Time flies when you're having fun, am I right? And look at you! You've gotten so big! Hell, I think you're (technically) older than me now!

Ayaka: Uh, guess I am.

Okay, so this was Ayaka's situation so far.

She had successfully summoned a Servant, which turned out to be none other than (Y/N) (L/N) himself, the man who had her sister head over heels for him, along with having practically raised Ayaka in her younger years.

He was sort of the chaotic brother who would teach his siblings how to swim by dropping them in a tank full of sharks, before proceeding to punch the sharks to show off how cool he is.

Brother-in-law, more accurately. Her sister utterly adored the guy.

Ayaka: So... Foreigner, right?

(Y/N): The best of them, yeah. You scored the Servant jackpot, Master... Nah, that doesn't sound right. I'll just keep calling you Little Miss, yeah? Or is it just Miss now? 

Ayaka: *shrug* Eh, whatever suits you. 

(Y/N): Little Miss it is, then! 

Of course he would go with the more embarrassing option. He always went out of his way to relentlessly tease her, lighthearted as it was.

(Y/N): Speaking of little things, the Furball shouldn't be close behind...

Ayaka: Who?

???: Fooooooooooooou!

Out of nowhere, a squirrel-like critter jumped in the air and struck a dropkick at (Y/N)'s face with its diminutive paws. He caught the animal effortlessly and gave it a deadpan look.

(Y/N): Really getting tired of your shit, you little bastard.

Ayaka: Is that Fou?

Fou: Fou, fou, fou!

Yes, it was. The mysterious, yet extremely adorable critter released himself off (Y/N)'s hold and hopped onto Ayaka's lap, where he received pets. 

It was one of (Y/N)'s partners, who always followed him onto whatever adventure he was in. Speaking of which...

Ayaka: Hey, Shinketsu.

Shinketsu: 'Sup. You sure have grown a lot. You're looking positively antisocial on this lovely night. 

Well, she was in a good mood. That insult carried no real bite. She knew the difference.

If you asked Ayaka if there was such a thing as a sentient, talking suit that could tear entire armies apart with just insults, then she would readily believe you.

(Y/N): Anyway, since we know each other already, we can skip the chitchat. This brings me to the fun part: Killing everyone else!

Oooooookay, so things just went from 0 to 1000 really freakin' quick. 

Ayaka: Yeah, no. No, no, no. We're not doing that. At all. Nope.

(Y/N): But this is a Holy Grail War, right? Servants are contractually obligated to be awesome and kill each other. And by that, I mean: I have the right to annihilate everything and look badass while doing it!

Fate/Outer Code: Type-Andromeda (Nasuverse x OP!Male Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant