SN Chapter 9: Life of a Teenage Magus II (ft. The Fantastic Four)

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Later, Sajyou Residence

Rin: ...So, let me get this straight: You and Archer knew that Sajyou would get kidnapped and could have stopped Caster at any time.

(Y/N): Well, yeah, but-

Rin: But you didn't stop it. You woke us up in the middle of the night, threatened to kill us over something you instigated, then manipulated Sakura's kindness and caused us to have an argument that could have been completely avoided.

(Y/N): Weeeeeeeell, that's not untrue...

Rin: And then you took Sakura right into the middle of a Caster's workshop, and by some fluke of nature, Sakura became the last Master in the one thing I didn't want her to be involved. Did I miss anything?

(Y/N): You missed the part where everyone comes out winning and I keep being awesome, yes.

Rin Tohsaka inhaled. Then exhaled. Then, she blasted him with a Gandr spell. It bounced off him.

(Y/N): ...Hmm. You need to get better equipment to even dent on my HP, you know.

Another blast. He didn't even blink at this one.

(Y/N): Fortunately, this world doesn't work by gacha drop rates (yet), so you'll take some good gear out of anyone you kill.

Just as he said that, he shrugged off another blast. Then another. Then another. Then another. This exchange went on for an uncomfortable amount of time as Rin kept exhausting her mana reserves with a completely neutral look on her face. 

The onlookers knew better than to try to snap her out of this bout of lunacy. (Y/N), being (Y/N), completely ignored this despite being at fault.

(Y/N): Sooooooo, I'm glad that everyone has gotten to know-

He was interrupted by a Gandr blasting him right in the face. With a huff, he turned back to Rin, who was visibly getting exhausted but nowhere near done with her outburst.

(Y/N): You done, Twintails?

She didn't listen. Yet another Gandr to the face. Getting annoyed, (Y/N) decided to snap Rin out of it the only way he knew how to deal with her.

(Y/N): Fine, you win. I'll let you be on top tonight and do anything you want to my body. My safeword is "Rate-Up is a Lie".  Should I call you "Mistress" or "Mommy"? It's your pick.

Teasing processed. Error. Error. Error. DefenselessRin.exe has stopped working. 

(Y/N): ...Hmm. Maybe that was too much?

...Rebooting... Reboot successful.


(Y/N): Ah, there she is. Good to have you back, Twinails. You kiiiiiiinda lost it back there.


(Y/N): I dunno, maybe Actually Satan. You know, the devil, ruler of Hell, overlord of all that is evil and unjust? Preeeeeetty sure you can't go wrong with suspecting him, if you ask me.

Archer: At this point, I'm willing to believe you're the actual devil hiding behind that Foreigner title.

(Y/N): See? A pathological liar shifting the blame unto others. That's a pretty Actually Satan thing to do.

Fou: Fou, fofofofou!

(Y/N): And who the fuck are you to start pointing paws at people, Mr. Murderer of Primates? 

He and Fou glared at each other while the critter was being petted by a nervous Sakura. His Master, laying down on the opposite couch, deadpanned.

Ayaka: Okay, enough of the jackass attitude, dude. Own up.

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