AV Chapter 9: 50 Shades of The Foreign Inquisition

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Nighttime, Targu Mures Streets


Now, I know what you're thinking: "Why the hell did the chapter start with an explosion onomatopoeia?"

(Y/N): Hmm... Nah, requires a bit more 'oomph' to it.

You see... Nope, no answer would make sense. (Y/N) just felt like blowing up an entire building.

No, there was no context to that notion. This was just one of (Y/N)'s random bouts of totally-necessary-and-purposefully-flashy destruction.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Gray Faction regarded him with a variety of looks. The Knight of Rebellion was, of course, the first to complain.

Mordred: Okay, what the fuck was that for?! 

(Y/N): I dunno. Felt like it.

Mordred: Damn it, we're not just out to fucking massacre!

Shinketsu: Feh. What an amateur.

(Y/N): Relax, there was no one there. If there were, Tia wouldn't let me hear the end of it.

Tiamat: Aaaaaah...?

(Y/N): In fact, there's no one in this town but the Foreign Inquisitors and the Assassin.

Kairi: Well, good. I really don't wanna be compared to the Magus Killer with stunts like this. Won't do good for the business.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow at the title, knowing more-or-less who this Magus Killer was. He would inquire about the issue, but he was having too much fun blowing stuff up.

Kairi: Wait, how'd you manage to drive out the citizens?

(Y/N): Weeeeeeeeeeeell...


Flashback, The Previous Night

(Y/N) nodded to himself as he finished setting up a city-wide set of subwoofers that would let his voice reach throughout Targu Mures, and perhaps the whole region.

(Y/N): Right, so how did that song go?... Ah, got it... Ahem.

He coughed and brought a single microphone to his mouth. Suddenly, his visage shifted to a brand new form. 

He started to sing a song, which coupled with his current form, it would not be an understatement to say he had reached beyond the realms of omnipotence.


Indeed, this form could be called the pinnacle of the Foreigner Servant.

Indeed, this form could be called the pinnacle of the Foreigner Servant

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