AV Chapter 4: Signs of Revolution

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The Saber of Black, Siegfried, would be lying if he said (Not that he was allowed to speak in the first place) this current battle was an easy one.

He had engaged the Rider of Red with Frankenstein's Monster, but the enemy quickly proved himself to be more than enough to battle two Servants without much effort.

Achilles: Weak!

The petite Berserker was blown away but managed to right herself. She moaned with displeasure, and a strange grinding noise filled the air. However, Rider did not seem to pay her much attention as he clashed with Saber once again.

There wasn't a single wound on either of them, and both of their attacks were being nullified. With the Armor of Fafnir, only B-Rank attacks and above could wound the Saber and keep the fight even, but if this Rider could pierce dragon blood...

Gordes: What are you doing, Saber?! There's not a scratch on him! Use your Noble Phantasm! Use it!

He had no choice but to ignore his Master's urgings. The Rider was not fighting seriously yet, and the riddle of his invulnerability had yet to be solved. Perhaps he had a Noble Phantasm with the same power as him. It could even be that he could not receive damage without certain conditions.

If Siegfried were to reveal his Noble Phantasm now, it would mean giving away his identity, and that would unmistakably become a hindrance in the battles to come. Eliminating Rider now would certainly prove to be an overwhelming advantage.

But what if he did not fall?

Then he would be the fool who used his Noble Phantasm purely to advertise his own name. Not to mention that, if Rider managed to escape the battle before Saber finished him off, his identity would be completely compromised among the Red Faction. After that, they would all know to aim at his weak point: his back.

He didn't mind being brazen, but he was no fool either.  He wanted his Master to understand. While under normal circumstances, he would use words to explain to the fullest, he had no chance to do so right now.

Rider of Red jumped backward, apparently wishing to start anew.

Achilles: This isn't going anywhere, huh?

Siegfried: ...

Achilles: Tch. You're a surly bastard, aren't you? Men who don't laugh on the field of battle may forget how to by the time they reach Elysium.

He disagreed. Sometimes, laughter in the face of an opponent became nothing more than condescension. A cheery briskness in the duel due to mutual acceptance of one another's strength was a different matter entirely from mocking the corpse of the fallen.

Achilles: You should at least try to get a laugh in... before you die, you know?

In the blink of an eye, an unseen arrow, flying faster than the speed of sound, impacted directly on Siegfried's chest.

Even as he crashed into several trees, he analyzed the situation. 

An extreme range attack with A-rank destructive power; the eyesight required to aim for near-zero visibility; and the supreme precision to thread such a needle of an attack... certainly, there existed bowmen who could accomplish every single one of these.

But just how many would be capable of all of the above simultaneously?

Achilles: ...Looks like it's over for our Berserker. But you're still here, pretty girl... and it's only fair for us to go an eye for an eye. Don't you think?

It would most likely take 10 to 15 seconds to recover from the attack, but he knew that timeframe was enough for the enemy Rider to eliminate Berserker.

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