Chapter 1: Servant Literally Too Sassy To Serve

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Manaka Sajyou was deep in thought.

She honestly did not know where to begin with how royally screwed up her project was. The prime reason stood in front of her.

She had summoned a Servant, yes. Not Avenger, but... Foreigner.

An egotistical Foreigner that cared more about his nails than destroying the world.

She had reacted rather calmly to this development- Well, not exactly in the way you would think.

Then again, she had CALMLY blasted him with Gandr, a Scandinavian curse, so that had to count for something, right?

Naturally, being connected to the Root, her Gandr was several thousand times more potent and powerful than the most proficient of magi, and without a doubt would be capable of harming even Servants.

Him, though?

He simply kept checking his nails as he nonchalantly slapped the Gandr away from his person, as if he was waving away a fly. His subsequent response was even more frustrating.

(Y/N): Hmm. Cute of you, that one.

She briefly wondered how high his Magic Resistance was to shrug off her curse with complete nonchalance before her mind was stuck on a word he had said.


He said she was cute.

Why would he say that? What kind of normal person would say that?

Manaka: Ah...

She realized something: She did not know.

Her connection to the Root rendered her incapable of 'not-knowing'. Whenever she wished to know more about a subject, the root of all existence supplied her with information. That very fact was one of the main reasons why she saw life as a torturous ordeal.

And here she was, gazing at an individual she couldn't predict.

Ecstasy was a new feeling. She loved it.

She looked at her Servant with nothing but excitement. The teenager, seeing this, regarded her with a look that spoke volumes on how weirded out he was.

Manaka: I get it~.

(Y/N): Uh, I'm gonna stop you riiiight there, lassie. Let's not-

Manaka: Are you harassing me?

(Y/N) stared for a few seconds before his eyes became completely deadpan as he addressed the excited Manaka with a flat tone.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Ah, a fellow sociopath. This is the birth of a beautiful friendship.

This had to be it. This had to be sexual harassment. Manaka was being sexually harassed by her Servant.

Manaka: You are sexually harassing me, right? 

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Good to know that speaking BARELY 10 SENTENCES labels you as a sex criminal. What is this, The Feminazi Book?

Manaka: So, not only my summoning is a failure by summoning a pretty boy who is a lolicon instead of Angra Mainyu, but it turns out he is also a sexual predator who openly displays his lust for "cute" girls. Ah~, what will it be? What will this lowest of the lowest scums do to me with those dirty hands? 

(Y/N) felt the need to congratulate himself on how patient he was being with this girl. He could just destroy the world like she wanted and be done with it.

Manaka: Hey! Hey! Hey! Are you going to violate me? You are, aren't you? You're going to assault me, violate me, and use me. You are such a lustful Servant, after all, aren't you? Hey! I know! You must be planning to take my virginity right now, aren't you?!

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