AV Chapter 10: The Silver Utopia

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The Skies Below

It had been as if the Earth itself had shifted to the whims of a greater being.

They stared at where the massive body of land had manifested, high into the heavens themselves. Being one with the earth, the Lancer of Ruler, Enkidu, immediately sensed it before it was even complete and raced to the scene.

It was not a Reality Marble, but the work of the sheer power of a being who could bend the World itself. 

An Anti-World Noble Phantasm that reminded them of a vague memory. The Star of Creation that brought forth a new world from genesis. 

It was enough to make them smile lightly.

Enkidu: He would most likely rage at the fact that something stands higher than himself...

The wind shifted behind them as the massive floating fortress came behind them. Well, it was now a small one compared to the one above. Their fellow Servants had finally caught up, it seemed.

Floating to the edge of the construct, they joined their companions as they eyed the floating island in awe and nodded in an apologetic expression.

Enkidu: Forgive me for suddenly rushing out without your permission, Master.

Jeanne: Given your identity, I can hardly blame you. But... Seigneur au paradis...

She clearly was just as shocked as the rest of them, as was her fellow Ruler. 

The materials of the Hanging Gardens had taken 60 years to gather and 72 hours for the spell to be chanted. Above them was something that was created in mere seconds, without any previous preparations, on an astronomically superior scale.

Vlad: ...So, this is the true power of the Foreigner class.

Achilles: Damn, suddenly feel like I'm at the bottom of Olympus.

Atalante: Indeed.

Astolfo: Is it bad to say that being a Foreigner is just blatant cheating? Extra Classes should be banned from Grail Wars! 

Kintoki: Uh, nah, I don't think anyone would object to that. Damn, we've got ourselves a GOLDEN situation here.

Drake: Pretty much. 

Shakespeare: My, what a twist! So, O fearless saints, what are we to do against an enemy of such power?!

Shirou and Jeanne exchanged looks. They found themselves at a loss on what should or could be done against something of that magnitude.

Then, a voice echoed.

"How's THIS on for size, fuckers?! Bet you think 20 Servants isn't enough against me, huh?!"

Before anyone could ponder on this, a large holographic screen manifested in front of them, and they were greeted by the image of the Foreigner of Gray himself.

The sheer smugness in the young man's grin was enough to remind Enkidu of another fond memory before he spoke.


Jeanne: Foreigner...!

(Y/N): That's right, Saberface. This is (Y/N) (L/N), leader of the Foreign Inquisitors - YES, I am SO using that name - talking to you from our brand new headquarters! I don't suppose the queenie's taking this well, is she?

Semiramis: Why, that insolent-!

Shirou: Calm down. Now's not the time.

(Y/N): I see you're all gathered! Some lame Servants, some cool Servants - Looking at you, Cool Saber, you rock!

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