SN Chapter 11: A Life Without Regrets

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Midnight, Fuyuki Church

Atop the lonely hill, a desolate place existed. A church, placed in front of a graveyard, stood in silence overlooking the city.

Inside, a priest was finishing his prayers at the altar. He was, as always, by his lonesome. Then again, his companion always lingered around the church whenever he wasn't traveling and seeing the modern era.

???: You seem to be restless, Kotomine. 

The fake priest placed the rosary in his hands on the altar. He turned, and the overseer of the Holy Grail War gave his companion a mildly amused expression.

Kirei: Forgive this slight, my king, but you are quite restless yourself.

???: Feh. Since you speak the truth, I shall forgive your impudence.

Kirei had indeed taken notice that the king had grown quite restless since the Fifth Holy Grail War had officially started. It was barely noticeable, but 10 years of experience gave Kirei an insight into the anticipation in those crimson eyes.

???: It shan't be long before that Jester makes his move. He is the sort of mongrel that would rather die before having a moment of boredom.

It seemed like even the King of Heroes himself wasn't immune to grudges. Then again, anger wasn't the only thing Kirei could see in the king's otherwise lazy expression.

???: When that happens, whatever do you plan on doing, Kotomine? Will you act on the slight that the mongrel girl from ten years ago spoke upon you?

That was a very appealing thought, yes. The notion of murdering that accursed girl's sister brought an honest-to-god smile upon the fake priest's face.

But just as soon as it appeared, it vanished. 

Kirei was no fool. Attempting on the life of Ayaka Sajyou was likely a guaranteed manner to earning the Foreigner's wrath. Worse than that, said Foreigner already knew who Kirei was, but decided not to act upon that information.

Kirei: A question, if I may.

???: I allow it. Speak.

Kirei: If you and the Foreigner were to battle to the death, is your victory guaranteed, my king?

He half-expected the king's face to twist in fury before outright impaling Kirei on the spot with a rain of steel. However, that was not the case.

???: Heh. Did you not know, Kotomine? A Jester's duty is to entertain. And entertain he will, I am certain of that.

Kirei readily noticed how the king did not confirm nor deny his assumptions. That was not a satisfying answer, and only reminded him of how suicidal this train of thought was.

Indeed, he would have to avoid clashing with Ayaka Sajyou for the moment, else the Foreigner-

???: You ever wonder what'd happen if the hero just happened to be right there when the bad guy was planning his schemes? Would be awfully inconvenient for you, my man.

The Foreigner was right there.

The dark lighting of the church was all but gone as the multicolored light from the undersides of his hair shone upon every corner of the room.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* Weeeeeeelll, so you're the totally-neutral-and-not-at-all-scheming overseer of this edition of the Murder-Death-Kill. A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Former Master Who Definitely Doesn't Have An Ulterior Motive.

His amused smirk did very little to hide his piercing stare that seemed to be gazing into Kirei's very soul, judging him.

(Y/N): Nice place you got here, Goldie. I bet you and your boy toy here like to double-team poor little Timmy in the backroom, hm?

Fate/Outer Code: Type-Andromeda (Nasuverse x OP!Male Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz