SN Chapter 10: Love, Death, and Gas Leaks

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Evening, Sajyou Residence

(Y/N): And that is how you make a portal to traverse the 5th to the 10th Dimension with just peanut butter and a plastic spoon. Though, be careful if you encounter the anti-memetic starfish on the 5th, and anything beyond the 6th might just outright kill you... if you're not me, that is.

He could see the Rider Servant temporarily losing the will to speak as he finished a rather lengthy and (par for the course) utterly ridiculous explanation.

Her mistake had been entertaining him on the subject out of curiosity. The other residents - even Sakura - knew when to tune him out when he was being particularly random.

The inner machinations of his mind were so absurdly eldritch that anyone listening to his wisdom would interpret his nigh-omniscience as something completely stupid.

(Y/N): Man, this universe got off easy on the cosmic horror scale. Sure, Lovecraftian gods are a thing, but it's not like reality itself is in danger every 5 minutes and everything's out to kill your ass. And with the track record, chances are that those same gods are just big tiddy goth waifus or something like that.

...There was also the fact that the holder of said knowledge was (Y/N) "Will Reveal The Secrets of The Universe Through Low-Effort Shitposts" (L/N). Inducing mental breakdowns through "facts and logic" was a hobby of his.

Speaking of mental breakdowns, Medusa was on the verge of having one. It was as hilarious as it sounded... at least to (Y/N).

(Y/N): Bored now! Little Miss, what's the plan for today?!

Ayaka: Letting me read manga without trying to make me brain-dead would be a nice start.

There was this long-running manga series that (Y/N) had introduced Ayaka to when she was a child. The seventh part of the manga had been released a month prior to the Holy Grail War, and she was catching up.

It involved cripples, horse racing, and spinning. It was an interesting premise, she mused.

Ayaka: Just go bother Tohsaka or something.

(Un)fortunately, said Tohsaka wasn't within earshot, as she was cooped up in one of the many rooms of the mansion alongside her sister, establishing a workshop for herself after (Y/N) destroyed her previous one.

(Y/N): But we need to fight! You and I haven't gotten into a proper, old-school Murder-Death-Kill match against another Master, you know!

Ayaka: Oh, really? Well... Oh, yeah, that's true.

(Y/N): Right?! You can dodge the issue all you want, but you're my Master now, Little Miss. I refuse to win a Holy Grail War like this!

Ayaka:  *sigh* Yeah, it would be kind of lame if a Master didn't get to fight with their Servant at least once. Fine, we'll go out tonight and see what kind of trouble we find.

(Y/N): HELL YEAH! TIME TO KILL SOME- Oh, are the cupcakes ready? Rider, you gorgeous siren, be a dear and fetch me the frosting~!

This request proved to be enough to save the magenta-haired woman from trying to make sense of his nonsensical rant as she mechanically handed him the frosting for the cupcakes he was baking.

Yes, he could bake pastries, and damn good ones at that. Killing gods and annoying people weren't his only pastimes, even though they were his favorites.

(Y/N): Now then, who should we go beat up? Caster's probably scheming, Assassin ain't leaving that gate, Saber's busy being an eroge heroine, and I already bullied Lancer, so that leaves...

Rider: Berserker.

(Y/N): Nice! Here's a Rider Cupcake.

He awarded the tall woman with a cupcake with frosting that resembled her own masked face, much to her surprise. She took a precautionary bite and found it delicious, something she saw as ironic.

Fate/Outer Code: Type-Andromeda (Nasuverse x OP!Male Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant