Chapter 6: Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking

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Later, Fuyuki City

Kiritsugu Emiya regarded his assistant with a critical eye. He lit up a cigarette in the process because he was in dire need of smoke at the moment.

Kiritsugu: Can you recall what happened?

???: Yes. I can remember everything until I was unconscious.

 I can remember everything until I was unconscious

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Maiya: I myself don't understand why am I still alive.

He had to agree with her. The girl that had taken her hostage, the Master of the problematic eighth Servant, clearly had no problems with killing Maiya at the spot.

But here she was. 

Kiritsugu: Do you feel anything unusual? 

Maiya: Negative. I'm in optimal condition.

Just like the situation with Assassin, this was too good to be true. The enemy Master was planning something. He disliked unknown variables with a passion, as any strategist would.

Maiya: Still, was it always possible for there to be more than 7 Servants?

Kiritsugu: Other classes, yes. The Einzberns summoned "Avenger" in the last war. More than 7, not until now, apparently.

Maiya: How should we approach the enemy?

Kiritsugu: The Master's elimination is our priority. I doubt that even Saber could stop the Servant for long.

Maiya: Identity?

Kiritsugu: Unknown. A young magus, but clearly an experienced one. Search the Clocktower files when you have the time. For now, the mission. Set a course for the Hyatt Hotel.

Maiya: Understood.


Manaka opened her eyes, smirking at her Servant.

(Y/N): What's up? 

Manaka: Lancer's Master is going to be attacked soon.

(Y/N): How'd you know?

Manaka: Remember when I said, "It doesn't hurt to have eyes behind enemy lines"?

(Y/N): Huh... So, when you put that hostage to sleep... You installed some, uh, magic camera?

Manaka: You could say that. Infinite mana and instant knowledge about everything opens countless doors for a magus.

(Y/N): Neato. So, what's the plan? Go home and let this play out? Go to the pub and look for Caster? Carpet-bombing the city? Nuking the city?

Manaka: Not yet. No. Absolutely not, twice.

(Y/N): But the chapter's theme is arson and murder! We HAVE to!

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