Chapter 19: Fragments of Sky Silver: Midnight

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Outer Space, Moon Battlefield

As the war came to an end in Fuyuki, a certain pair of Servants were busy making fighting aliens literally too alien to die. 

No, you didn't read that wrong.

It turned out that the red aura surrounding Type-Pluto was toxic both to the body and the mind. It could physically kill a normal human being in exactly two minutes, and that was after their mind would collapse and enter a catatonic state.

(Y/N) decided to christen it as "The Alien Chtulhu Living Shitpost". He had to work on another name, but he was about to murder it, so it stuck for the time being.

Speaking of which, (Y/N) himself (who casually shrugged off the atmosphere) was busy using its colossal size as a club by swinging it around by one of its tentacles.

(Y/N): Yah. YEET!

He swung it towards Type-Saturn, who was being handled by Edem. The Cross was firing a rain of light on the Grand Saber. The rain was a cross-shaped electric impact that was a meter long, and it exploded as it hit the target. Edem made sure to distance himself from the earth so that the rain wouldn't fall on it.

(Y/N): Watch out if ya don't wanna get sandwiched between aliens, Grand guy!

Edem grunted in annoyance before getting out of the way. Type-Pluto impacted Type-Saturn, creating a massive shockwave from the collision.

They landed on the surface of the moon, which was in the middle of melting. Type-Jupiter's core contained an artificial sun, instantly bringing everything in a wide radius from it into their melting and boiling points. And it wasn't even that close to the moon.

(Y/N): Ah, that's hot. That's hot.

Shinketsu: Don't Will Smith things right now, dude.

(Y/N): Fuck off. Yo, what's up with that giant fart and looking like it's going to explode at any second?

Edem: It will if it perishes. The resulting explosion can incinerate an entire continent.

(Y/N): ...That's pretty small. Pitiful, even.

Edem: We also need to kill Pluto in such a way that its blood doesn't spill out and cover the entire planet.

(Y/N): It did that in your future? Man, when you said "blood sky", I thought you were being dramatic.

Edem: Do you have any strategy?

(Y/N): You're asking me?

Edem: You have shown a... stellar performance when it comes to killing things that literally can't die in the most ridiculous ways possible.

(Y/N): Then you're speaking to the right guy. We gotta kill them so hard that not even atoms would remain of 'em.

Edem: *sigh* I am afraid to ask, but do you have something that could do that?

(Y/N): *smirk* Do I?

Edem: So you have. What would you have me do?

(Y/N): Let's try to bring them together. Use that big-ass fart as a target. I'll take care of the rest.


Fuyuki Theater

With (Y/N) being busy in space, Manaka was left to defend the Grail's vessel on her own. 

She decided to hold the ceremony in the least suited for it: The local theater. This was to lure the other Servants and wait until the fourth Servant died and the Grail could finally manifest.

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