AV Chapter 16: The Clash of Legends

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Jeanne d'Arc was accustomed to the feeling of dread. It was a sense of foreboding, one that taught her the feeling of dreading the inevitable.

The battle against the Saber of Gray had ended in an utter loss. She would even dare call it a miracle that the Foreigner himself had decided to intervene on a whim. 

But with that intervention, the dread increased exponentially.

They had returned to their base and met equally devastating results from her fellow Ruler's team. Only the Ruler, the Berserker of Ruler, and the young Masters of the Black Faction had returned safely.

She did not have to ask to know that the outcome would have been worse if not for outside intervention.

The dread was overwhelming, especially as the final battle loomed on the horizon.

How could they combat such an overwhelming, unstoppable force? Were the remaining Servants enough, or would they not make a difference? 

Who would live? Who would die? Would she be able to protect the innocents? Would she fail?

???: You have quite the grim atmosphere around you.

She was brought out of her frantic questioning by the ever-calm voice of the Caster of Ruler. The King of Magic gently hovered above the pond she was sitting in front of to clear her mind.

Jeanne: Ah, Caster...

Solomon: Oh, did I speak up at a bad time? If so, I do apologize.

He looked startingly bashful for such a prominent legend. It was quite comical, and slightly endearing if she was honest.

Jeanne: No, not at all. I was merely attempting to clear my thoughts. Did you need anything?

Solomon: Well, it would be quite impolite if I did not attend to the concerns of my summoner, no? 

She considered simply lying and saying she was fine, but she could tell that he would see right through it. 

Jeanne: He would... see through it?

It was then that she remembered the legend of King Solomon and his nigh-omniscient Clairvoyance, a gift from the Lord himself. 

He was able to see everything. Past, present... and future.

Jeanne: Caster?

Solomon: Yes?

Jeanne: Even without your famed Ten Rings, do you have the ability to see the future? Surely your Clairvoyance must grant you a few glimpses with one ring, right?

Solomon: Ah... You would be correct on that assumption.

Jeanne: Then-!

Solomon: My apologies, but, er... I already tried that.

She was speechless for a few moments, starkly contrasting with his laid-back, slightly awkward smile as he waited for a response.

Jeanne: You... You did? When was this?

Solomon: Ah, well... Once both of the groups deployed to battle returned, Master Amakusa requested that of me.

She wasn't as surprised as she thought she would be, given Amakusa Shirou's nature. However, she would refrain from judging the man, as it was neither the place nor time to do so.

Jeanne: ...What did you see?

Solomon: I saw nothing.

His expression was one of curiosity and wonder, once again contrasting to her shocked expression.

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