AV Chapter 11: Grand Inauguration

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Hanging Gardens of Babylon

It was time.

The Servants and the Masters occupying the garden had finally gathered at the edge of the Gardens. Stepping forward, Jeanne boldly placed her flag beside her.

Jeanne: Foreigner!

???: Wow, there wasn't some dramatic buildup? The chapter can actually start at the beginning, then!

The holographic screen appeared, showcasing the Foreigner on his throne, looking particularly annoyed. With a huff, he discarded this behavior and adopted his usual jovial expression.

(Y/N): WHAT HO, FUCKERS! It's me, your friendly, fun-loving, omnipotent Foreigner, coming to you live from the Gray Channel to celebrate the inauguration of the Grand Holy Grail War! 

The only source of applause was his divine companion. The primordial goddess cheered with a melody, to which he awarded with an appreciative smirk.

(Y/N): Let's not keep everyone waiting and get right into it, shall we? You've got two areas and 14 Servants to choose from. You have 5 minutes to choose-

Jeanne: The decision has already been made.

(Y/N): Really? Nice! Alright, let me see the poor sods heading into the slaughter- I MEAN, brave warriors who will graciously step up to this trial by combat! Sicarius City competitors, step right up!

As commanded, seven Servants took a step forward: Atalante, Astolfo, Sakata Kintoki, Frankenstein, William Shakespeare, Semiramis, and Amakusa Shirou Tokisada.

(Y/N): So, you're playing it safe that way, no? My, you're certainly earnest. Though, I wasn't expecting the queenie to be in that roster.

Shirou: Since the Hanging Gardens are Semiramis' Noble Phantasm-

(Y/N): Oh-hoh? You wanna take that little fortress with you? Hah! I'll allow it! 

Semiramis: You are? Well, you certainly have faith in your Assassin.

(Y/N): *sarcastically* My, oh my, I'm SO sorry for believing in an Assassin who actually gets shit done. Besides, if you wanna make yourself a bigger target, then, by all means, you can spearhead that suicide march. Speaking of suicide marches, the Masters!

The Masters of Yggdmillenia, save for Darnic, Gordes, and Avicebron's unseen Master, took a step forward... well, aside from Fiore. 

He narrowed his eyes when he saw Shirou himself stepping up. His smile, however, didn't vanish.

(Y/N): Ah, yeah, Anime Hair over there is the Red's only available Master. 

Shirou: Would that present an inconvenience?

(Y/N): Hmm... You're incarnated, so you won't fight like an actual Servant... Yeah, I'll allow it. Now, let's see who'll be going to the Waifu Colosseum... Or the Rebellium Arena, though I STRONGLY insist that you use the former.

Another seven Servants took a step forward: Siegfried, Vlad III, Achilles, Avicebron, Mysterious Heroine X, and Jeanne d'Arc.

(Y/N): Mmm-Hmm... Alright, fair enough.

Avicebron: I have a question to ask.

(Y/N): Let me guess, you wanna use that big-ass golem you've got under wraps? It'll be interesting to watch, so I'll allow it.

Avicebron: Ah, thank you.

(Y/N): Ah, wait. I was told that the Rulers have these "privileges" (If you come at me with that SJW bullshit, you're dead). Saberface has Command Seals for my Saber and Assassin, doesn't she?

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