AV Chapter 15: Red Seas, Black Skies, Gray Clouds

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Aeternum Castle

(Y/N): You thought that we were starting with another shitty POV no one cares about, did you? Well, guess what? IT'S ME, FUCKERS!

The sun would set in a few hours. The final battle was edging closer and closer, and (Y/N) was passing time by indulging in his usual hobbies outside of property damage, screwing the laws of reality and schadenfreude.

(Y/N): Hmm... I think I should wear one of my holiday suits for the upcoming party. Whaddya think?

Shinketsu: Eh. Yeah, we should dress for the occasion, I guess.

(Y/N): True, true. 

Tiamat: Aaaah?

(Y/N): Oh, Tia, you precious cinnamon roll. I have suits specifically designed for EVERY occasion, I'm just too lazy to wear them all and stick to the default model.

Shinketsu: It got a little out of hand after we started the "[REDACTED] Apocalypse" line. 

Tiamat: Ah?

(Y/N): They're the designs I have for whenever something causes an apocalypse, no matter how ridiculous... Designs are radically diverse, you understand.

Shinketsu: Well, yeah. Between the "Fandom Salt", the "Twitter vs Facebook World War", the "Santa Claus Fucking Loses It", and the "Sentient Memes" suits, things tend to get a bit complex.

(Y/N): Yes, all of those scenarios have happened. Multiple times... and I wasn't properly dressed for when they first happened... Never again. Never. Again.

Tiamat: Aaaaaah?

(Y/N): Yeah. The suit design I always wear is actually the prototype. I call it the "Best Boi Apocalypse".

She seemed to process the information before giving him a look, adorably demanding an explanation. He raised his hands in surrender.

(Y/N): My schedule tends to get a bit, uh, rowdy sometimes. Gotta stay dressed for the occasion, am I right?

Tiamat: ...Aaaah.

(Y/N): Nah, I won't. This world's grown on me. Sure, there's some weird shit bound to appear down the road, but it's cool.

Tiamat: Aaah?

(Y/N): What sort of weird things? Hmm... Hey, dishrag, I need ideas.

Shinketsu: Hmm... Some people have a Byakugan that can kill literally anything?

(Y/N): The moon is actually an A.I.? 

Shinketsu: Overly-sexualized and underaged magical girls with Servant powers?

(Y/N): A ridiculously erotic bitch that has so much "ara-ara" energy that it's enough to literally use the world as a sex toy?

Shinketsu: Lovecraftian deities have a presence in this world and manifest avatars to warn of their eventual arrival?

Tiamat: Aaaaaah...?

(Y/N): Oh, Tia, you innocent cinammon roll. In my line of work, ANYTHING can happen. 

Shinketsu: Now that I think of it, what do we call hijacking a secret, fantastic war and throwing down with historical figures for a holy relic, creating an entire country, and massacring the laws of physics and reality in the process? 

(Y/N): Sunday.

Shinketsu: I was leaning more on Wednesday.

(Y/N): Eh. Though, with this one sticking with me, I think this might be a Friday. Ain't that right, sweetie?

Fate/Outer Code: Type-Andromeda (Nasuverse x OP!Male Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz