[ 19 ] 2013

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[ 19 ] 2013 


"Is it because you actually love her, or could it be that maybe you see me in her?"


"Right, grandmum." Calum snorted. "You're a known liar, even Mirror Boy wouldn't fall for that one."

But Claire shook her head, her face completely serious. "This isn't a lie. I was involved with Bobby. The poor kid was so in love with me, and I took him from his stupid girlfriend Hayley so easily. Of course, I was prettier than her." She remembered pridefully. "But Con was the only man I ever truly loved. And when I found out I was pregnant with Arthur...Con made me give him up to an orphanage. He took him from me and said he wasn't going to take care of another man's son. He only allowed me to name him...Arthur, like the king of Camelot because he was a lovely princely-looking little booger. Even more beautiful than the kids I had with Con, he was perfect. Then he sent my baby off with some strangers and I never saw him again." Though both Ashton and Calum knew the kind of person she was, they both saw it on her face how sincere she was being. And they were even more surprised when they saw her choke up.

"You're fucking disgusting." Calum shot up from his seat at the desk. He had gotten up so abruptly that the chair he was sitting on fell back. "Couldn't you keep your legs closed for once in your life?"

"Calum! I'm your grandmother, you will respect me." She glared at him in a scolding way. Though in her ghostly apparition, she didn't look to be too much older than him. It was evident that she had either died young, or altered her appearance in her vanity.

Shaking his head, the raven haired boy responded, "How can I respect someone who didn't even respect themselves?"

"Hey," Ashton stepped in. "She's your grandmother. Whether you like it or not, you're stuck with her and owe her some respect." In the name of the love he once had for her, he thought he owed her enough to defend her honor. Though when he really thought about it, he knew she didn't deserve it. He saw Claire bite her lip nervously at his words and he cocked an eyebrow at her. There were more things she was hiding, things she didn't want to let out, more likely out of convenience than anything. Ashton needed to get the full truth out of her.

Claire seemed to quickly get over the fact that Calum was angry at her and gushed happily, "Oh! I knew I liked that girl, she's my beautiful granddaughter. She looks just like me, doesn't she?" She looked both at Ashton and Calum, whose expressions were still in a state of shock, and Calum's in a state of horror and outrage. She looks nothing like you, Calum wanted to shout at her, but he stopped himself. Crinkling up her nose, she added, "But she also faintly reminds me of a bitch I hated back in the sixties..."

"Really?" Calum asked, feinging interest. "Who else's boyfriend did you take, slag?"

Claire's mouth gaped open at the way Calum was speaking to her and Ashton decided to intervene once again. "You also have a grandson named Michael." Ashton informed her, hoping to change the subject.

The blonde haired apparition grinned at the news, completely forgetting her current argument with Calum. "Is he handsome? What am I asking? If he's related to me...of course he's handsome! And my Arthur!" She gushed with an excitement Ashton had never seen in her before. When he knew Claire she had always been so posh and sophisticated. The few times he saw her geniunely smile were when she was around Con. "I wonder when I can meet him-"

"Never." Calum told her.

"No one knows where he is." Ashton added.

The boy with raven black hair let out a sigh. "Can the two of you go away, I need to concentrate. No matter what she," he gestured to Claire, "did, I still need to find a way to help Harley."

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